Tuesday 11 June 2024

Mage Assassins and Other Misfits by Annette Marie and Rob Jacobsen


The weirdness level of my life has reached an all-time high. Which is saying something, considering I started out as a psychic conman and somehow ended up as a MagiPol agent. And not just any agent. Lately, I’ve been Captain Blythe’s right-hand man and most trusted confidant.

Yeah, I know. Super weird.

It’s also kind of awkward, because unbeknownst to her, I’ve also teamed up with her most loathed nemesis, Darius King, guild master of the Crow and Hammer and the number one guy on the Consilium’s “To Be Eliminated” list.

Oh, and the Consilium? It’s just a secret organization embedded deep in the upper echelons of the MPD that’s using its nefarious influence to take over the world. Or destroy it. We’re still figuring that part out.

“We” being me and Blythe. And me and Darius. But not Blythe and Darius. Like I said, it’s awkward.

Unfortunately, the Consilium knows we’re on to them. It’s only a matter of time before they reveal how much power they truly wield—and eliminate all three of us for good.

It feels like forever since we've had a Guild Codex adventure so it was amazing to sink back into Kit's series and go on a magic filled romp full of humour and chaos!

This book was a rollercoaster and its safe to say that the stakes have never been higher! I'm actually a little afraid for our beloved characters...

Kit is as loveable as always and he is growing into quite the badass! His magical ability is something else... It's been nice to see his growth both magically and personally from the beginning of the series through to now.

Darius features prominently in this book and we learn more about the Mage Assassin's past.

The slow slow burning romance between Kit and Lienna finally seems to be moving...

All in all it was a wholly satisfying, fast-paced and informative, adventure in one of my favourite fictional worlds. If you're a fan of the series, I doubt you'll be disappointed!


Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Fake Mate by Lana Ferguson


Mackenzie hasn't had a successful date in months. She's only a year out of residency, and her grandmother's obsession with finding the perfect mate threatens to drive her barking mad, so it should be a small thing when she lies about meeting someone . . . until she blurts out the name of the last man she would ever date: Noah 'The Big Bad Wolf of Denver General' Taylor.

Noah, interventional cardiologist and all-round grump, has spent his entire life hiding what he is - an unmated alpha. But when an anonymous tip brings everything to light, he's left with two choices: come clean to the board and risk his career or find himself a mate. So, when the chatty, overly friendly ER doctor asks him to be her fake boyfriend the same day he's called to meet the board, it must be kismet, right?

Mackenzie gets her grandmother off her back, and Noah gets the chance to prove he can continue to work without a real mate - it's a mutually beneficial business transaction. But when the fake-mate act turns to a very real friends-with-benefits arrangement, lines start to blur, and they quickly realise love is a whole different kind of animal.

Lara Ferguson's The Fake Mate is such a good read! I had a great time inhaling Mackenzie and Noah's story and my only complaint is that it ended. Ok... I have a few more, mostly around the overuse of the word "slick," but whatever. 

The book is smutty af and a fun read.
I liked both Mackenzie and Noah as characters and together I thought they were awesome.
The meddling family members amused me and the low-drama level was just what I needed.
It's worth noting that this particular "paranormal romance" is more Omegaverse than paranormal romance... Well, in my opinion it is. They might turn into wolves - once - but the rest of the book is definitely human driven (with certain "animalistic" traits) which is very much Omegaverse.

Anyhoo, If you like fake-dating, doctors, shifters and a whole load of spice then check it out!
(And yes... There is knotting.)

Thursday 25 April 2024

Tattered Huntress by Helen Harper


Sure, I might be a low elf. But that doesn't mean I won't get up to high jinks.

I’m not particularly special. I’m certainly not perfect. I’m just another delivery driver with a smattering of elvish magic who's trying to make an honest living on the mean streets of Edinburgh.

Go me.

However, my world changes when I cross paths with Hugo Pemberville, the celebrated high elf who’s well known for his accomplished work as a treasure hunter. He might be famous but he’s also an arrogant idiot who deliberately destroys my life.

I’m not the sort of person who’ll let anyone ruin me without a fight. But when I take my revenge on Hugo, I end up thrust into a treasure hunting adventure that I could never have dreamed of.

I’m determined to succeed against all the odds. Unfortunately, treasure hunting is more difficult and dangerous than I’d expected. I’ll need all my wits about me if I’m going to survive.

But, hey, who doesn’t love an under-dog?

Book one of a new series and I like where its going!
Action, adventure, snark and a tantalising tease of the romance that is sure to come... Reading this book sent me to my happy place.

If you like fast paced stories full of humour and action then this might be a series for you!

Daisy is a fierce and likeable heroine but has one major issue... She's a drug addict. She takes the drugs for a good reason - to control her magic and avoid hurting people - but she is still a drug addict and it makes me itchy... That said, I have confidence that as the series unfolds, and more about her past and how she ended up for adoption is revealed, that she'll get to grips with the addiction, kick it to the curb, and learn to control her magic without it. She has a good bunch of folks who are no doubt going to step in around her... Especially a certain slightly judgemental, powerful, sexy as sin, hot for Daisy, high elf! (I'm excited to see how that relationship unfolds!)

The story was surprisingly light hearted and I recommend it for those who love bingeable urban fantasy with a dash of romance!


Tuesday 23 April 2024

TMST: How's the TBR list coming along?


Oh, it's been a long time since I've posted a Tell Me Something Tuesday and, I have to say, it's lovely to be doing so!

This week's question is a TBR Update: How's your list coming along?
 Well, isn't that a loaded question! 😂 
Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do TBR lists as I'm a moody moose mood-reader and TBRs serve only one purpose for me: Guaranteeing that whatever I read it won't be what's on the list!

So, I'm giving the question a slightly different slant and focusing on my NetGalley percentage/books as that's kinda like a TBR only my brain doesn't react to it in the same way it does a TBR! 😉

My NetGalley percentage is currently at 65%, so it's not great... But it could be worse! 
So, my mission, at the moment, is to focus on my ARCs and get that percentage back up to at least 80%.

Part of me thinks it won't take too long as I have some books on there I'm super excited about, such as:

Beneath These Cursed Stars by Lexi Ryan
The Dixon Rule by Elle Kennedy
Love at First Knight by Megan Clawson
Hearts on Thin Ice by Katie Kennedy

But, the more recent books aren't really the problem.
The problem is the books that I requested forever ago and, for various reasons, I never got around to reading/reviewing. Those are the ones I really need to read and get off the list, such as:

Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn
To Charm a Dark Prince by Kathryn Ann Kingsley
The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic by Breanne Randall
When a Duke Loves a Governess by Olivia Drake

Tackling the backlog/overdue reviews will be what makes the difference!

I'll probably do a bit of both to sort it out as I'm excited for the upcoming releases, I've reignited my enthusiasm for some of the backlist (due to new books in the series peaking my interest etc.) and I'll try to browse my NetGalley shelf when "in a mood" to see if anything amongst the dusty and forgotten fits the bill before browsing my owned books... Or worse, looking and buying a new one! 🙈

What's your TBR (or NetGalley) looking like?

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