This week's question for the Book Blogger Hop is:How many posts do you schedule for your blog on a weekly basis?
In an ideal world, I get all my posts scheduled for the coming week on the weekend before. So, for posts next week, I'd have them finished by Sunday. If I don't get them finished and scheduled for the week then I rarely have time to sort them out during the week and I end up only posting whatever was finished and the draft posts would move to the next available slot.
Whenever I schedule a post, I schedule a social media post for it at the same time otherwise I'd forget and never "promote" any of my posts... If you can call sending out a tweet (or two) promotion but whatever. This is a hobby, not a job. 😉
I like to have three posts a week (excluding my Sunday wrap up post) but sometimes there are less and sometimes there are more. I really try to avoid more though... I struggle to keep on top of things at three, never mind more!
I tend to be quite organised at setting up post "shells" for any weekly memes I plan to take part in as and when I spot a question/topic I like.
I do the same when it comes to signing up for blitzes, cover reveals or tours too.
As for reviews, I only set up the post shells for those when I'm ready to draft the review... Although, I do tend to write a quick review draft asap after finishing a book - especially if it's a review copy - as I don't take notes and it can take me a while between finishing a book (and drafting my review) to actually finalising the review and publishing.
If I'm feeling particularly creative, inspired or motivated, I sometimes get posts scheduled weeks or even months in advance! It's never a full week/month's worth but sometimes I finalise and schedule blogger memes or tags well in advance as they can be time-consuming to create and I chip away at them as I feel like it. I do tend to review any of these long-ago scheduled posts the weekend before they go live and make any tweaks if things have changed though.
However, if I was ever hit by a bus you'd likely get a few more posts from me from "beyond the grave" because of this habit... 👻