Friday, 23 February 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Hardcover dust jackets, on or off?

This Week's Question: 
Do you read hardcovers with the dust jacket on or off? Why or why not? 

My Answer: 
Oooh... It's been a really long time since I read a hardcover. 
I avoid them like the plague. 
They take up too much space on my shelf, they're heavy and, in my humble opinion, a complete rip-off.
I especially detest it when a series starts off in paperback and then part way through flips to hardcover. I mean, seriously?! What is the point? You suddenly realise that people like it and decide to milk them for as much cash as you can? Not only by making them spend double - or more - on a hardback but my manipulating a bookworm's OCD and forcing them to re-buy the previous books in hardback so their shelf matches? Or forcing them to wait months more for the continuation of the story when it finally releases in paperback? 
Not cool publishers. Not cool.
Don't even get me started on publishers charging hardback prices for an ebook... 
However, long before Kindle, I did cave to the machine and buy hardcovers on occasion, because I couldn't wait to continue a series. 
When I did this, I always took the dust jacket off and stashed it somewhere refusing to put it back on until I had finished reading. 
They're fiddly and pointless and just make an already fiddly book even harder to read unless it's stripped off. 

What about you? Do you like hardbacks? Do the dust jackets annoy the ever-loving bejeezus out of you? 

Friday, 2 February 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Do you prefer to blog about specific book genre(s), or do you have an eclectic blog?

This week's Question: 
Do you prefer to blog about (a) specific book genre(s), or do you have an eclectic blog? 

My Answer: 

I honestly haven't thought about it. 

I blog about what I read, whenever I read it, therefore I'd like to think that the blog is eclectic and will become more so over time as my reading whims change. 
However, looking through my reviews and posts since I started Sunny Buzzy Books, I've been very heavy on the Urban Fantasy (UF), Fantasy and Paranormal Romance (PNR) side of things. 
Some contemporary romances have been mixed up amongst it, but someone could be easily forgiven for assuming that UF / PNR are my primary bag. 
I guess, at the moment, they are. 
No matter what genre I'm reading, one thing remains the same: I read romance. 
Romance is a constant for me and is a focus for the blog. 
The genre of romance changes but I crave a strong romantic hook in the books I read. 

Lately, I've been flirting with including the books I read with my son on the blog, so that'll shake things up a bit and on the occasions I do read something that is out with the romance bracket, I wouldn't hesitate to include it. 
Therefore, I'm going with eclectic! 
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