Friday, 26 February 2021

Book Blogger Hop: February 2021 - We're talking book adaptations and reading routines!

 I noticed a distinct theme with the Book Blogger Prompts this month and that is book adaptations (movies and tv) and reading behaviours so I decided to answer them all in a onesie! 

5th - 11th - What book series would you like to see adapted as a Netflix series?
This is a no-brainer for me: The Hollows series by Kim Harrison.
I've wanted to see this on screen for years as I think it would adapt beautifully. The world is well thought out and highly developed. It is magical realism at its finest. It has well developed and realistic characters despite them being witches, demons, elves, vampires, werewolves, pixies... etc. The characters evolve in significant ways as the series progresses, the friendship and bonds between characters are life goals, it punches you in the feels more times than I can count and keeps you coming back for more... Adapted by the right people it could be gold.

On a related note, the author recently announced that a production company has optioned the rights and are planning to adapt it for TV so maybe we'll see it on screen before too long!
And I'll either be ecstatically happy or positively ragey depending on how it turns out, lol.
12th - 18th - What book or series can you see getting made into a movie and not being horribly re-written?

Ah, now, this is a slightly different question to 'what do you want to see adapted,' isn't it?
It's that 'horribly re-written' part that has me stumped for all too often they are horribly re-written. 
Tv, movie... It's amazing how badly they can butcher a good book, but when they get it right? It's just splendid. 

Something like Lindsey Kelk's I Heart series should be workable... Although, they did mutilate Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic book when they adapted it so who knows! 

19th - 25th - Is reading a fixed part of your morning or evening routine?

I wish it was but I have no real reading routine anymore! It sucks but I'm sure things will improve again when covid stops messing up everything...

In pre-covid times, I'd read before bed. I'd listen to audiobooks on route to work. I'd read on my lunch break and for a little bit in the evenings. 

Now? I listen to audiobooks sometimes when I'm cooking. Sometimes, I'll binge listen while colouring or playing Stardew Valley. I'll read whenever I feel like it and I tend to binge read a book in one sitting or over a couple of sittings, and then not read again for days... Or weeks. 

26th - March 4th - Do you use Goodreads to keep track of your books? 
I use Goodreads to keep track of what I've read that year - i.e the Goodreads reading challenge. 
I do add books to my "want to read shelf" etc, but it's pointless really as I rarely check it and it means nothing more than I want to read it at some point. I don't check it for books to buy or for reading lists or anything meaningful. 
I'm trying to use the "currently reading" more as I'm terrible at posting what I'm currently reading on my blog but I'm not sure who even notices, to be honest. 
And I don't have custom shelves unless it's for a limited and very specific purpose (like a reader event).

What I use more than anything to note my progress on reading challenges, what books I've read, what posts I want to schedule, release dates etc is my reading planner. I bought a nice notebook, I marked up the pages just how I want them and I fill it in. It sits beside my laptop (wherever that may be) and I update it when I'm doing my internetty bits 'n' pieces. 


So, that's me. What about you? 
What would you like to see turned into a tv show / movie? And what's your reading routine like?


Thursday, 4 February 2021

Top 10 New (To Me) Authors of 2020!

Okay, okay, confession time... I had this post almost ready for joining Top Ten Tuesday on the 26th Jan but I flaked on all things blogging again (not a surprise at the moment) and it sat waiting in draft on two pictures never to see the light of day... But rather than waste a post - when I've got nothing else going on at the moment - I decided to just post it. It's valid. It's just a little bit late to link up... So, I won't. 😆

In 2020, I read about 25 new-to-me authors but narrowing them down to the top ten was surprisingly easy. Those listed are authors that super impressed me. Some of them, I only read one book but with others I binge-read loads... That said, don't ask me to put my top ten in any kind of order because that would break my brain.

In no particular order, my top ten list of new-to-me authors for 2020 are:
Kelly Jamieson

Jenny Bayliss

Deborah Wilde

Beth O'Leary

Hailey Edwards

Emma Scott

Madeline Miller

Tessa Dare

Jennifer Estep

Helen Hoang

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