Monday, 31 July 2023

Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

A novel of terrible first impressions, hilarious second chances, and the joy in finding your perfect match.

Dr. Briana Ortiz’s life is seriously flatlining. Her divorce is just about finalized, her brother’s running out of time to find a kidney donor, and that promotion she wants? Oh, that’s probably going to the new man-doctor who’s already registering eighty-friggin’-seven on Briana’s “pain in my ass” scale. But just when all systems are set to hate, Dr. Jacob Maddox completely flips the game . . . by sending Briana a letter.

And it’s a really good letter. Like the kind that proves that Jacob isn’t actually Satan. Worse, he might be this fantastically funny and subversively likeable guy who’s terrible at first impressions. Because suddenly he and Bri are exchanging letters, sharing lunch dates in her “sob closet,” and discussing the merits of freakishly tiny horses. But when Jacob decides to give Briana the best gift imaginable—a kidney for her brother—she wonders just how she can resist this quietly sexy new doctor . . . especially when he calls in a favor she can’t refuse.

This is one of three Abby Jimenez books I own and despite some niggles I'm ready to jump straight into another one!

Yours Truly captured my attention and held it from the first chapter to the last. A full day reading binge and I regret nothing.

Jacob and Briana were awesome together! They get off to such a rocky start full of misunderstandings but then the letters start and you just fall in love with them together...

I loved the banter, the getting to know you elements, and the hospital setting.

The first half was awesome and definitely heading towards a sparkly 5 stars from me... Then the second half hit and Briana's issues started to irritate me. The angst, stress and annoyance caused by the lack of communication (mostly on Briana's side but not exclusively) drove me demented... And just when I thought that the worst was over, and she was going to stop torturing the sweet gorgeous cinnamon roll that is Jacob, Briana lost her fckn mind! Like... what the actual hell?! 😣 I almost hurled the kindle across the room. (Vague, I know, but... spoilers.)

I understand the trauma she'd shoved down and ignored but she was so wilfully, ridiculously, stupidly illogical in thinking that Jacob could ever be anything like her crapbag ex or her worthless father. Just... Ugh. I wanted to shake her. Shout at her. Make her STOP sabotaging her life and happiness (and Jacobs too!!) But alas... All I could do is keep reading and eventually get to the happy ever after that mostly made up for the drama-based headache the second half of the book caused.

All in all, I appreciated the fact the book covered physical and mental health issues in a realistic manner and despite being an integral part of the story they didn't make the story too heavy or hard to read.


Tuesday, 25 July 2023

TMST: What is your favourite thing about summer?


What is your favourite thing about summer?

When it ends.
Seriously, I'm not joking. 
Summer brings me sadness.


It's hot.
(This should be self-explanatory.)

There are bugs. Flying bugs that just want to fly into orifices and lay eggs! 
(Okay, that might be an irrational fear of mine but the fear is REAL. I really hate bugs!) 

The clothes are not my preferred clothes.
(I'm a jeans, jumpers and boots gal. F-off with short shorts, dresses and flip-flops!)

I get sunburn. 
(Yes, I wear sunscreen. Yes,  I STILL burn. I'm pale, Scottish and pretty much a red-head...)

My migraine frequency increases by a factor of 10.
(I'm not joking.)

The food.
(Everybody is all, "ooh, it's hot let's have a bbq! Let's have a salad! Let's have ice-cream!" No! I want food that is cooked indoors. I only eat salads on the side of a proper meal. Ice-cream is great but is it sticky toffee pudding with custard? No. Stick your cold teas, cold coffees and lack of hot-chocolate somewhere uncomfortable!)

It doesn't get dark until really late.
(I like pulling the curtains closed, ignoring the world, cuddling under a blanket and reading with hot beverages. Can you do those things when it's never dark and always flipping sunny and warm?! No. 
Plus, everyone is all, "it's a lovely day! let's go outside!" Like, no! Leave me alone in my cave!! I don't like outside! There are people there!)

It doesn't rain enough.
(I like rain. Actually, I love rain. You don't get enough wet stuff when the hot thing is blazing.)

The colours.
(Blues, greens, yellows, pink... Bright, bold, and cheerful. Gag.)

The duration of school holidays.
(Look, I'm in the UK so I know I get insane amounts of leave compared to my counterparts across the pond but seriously?!! How is any parent supposed to cover all the school holidays whilst working FT and maybe, just maybe, having a day here or there for themselves? It's deranged! I love my kid and think he's hilarious but after 7.5 weeks of summer  - just summer! not even all the others - I'm re-considering all my fkn life choices!)

So... yeah. Anybody got some counter points? What do people actually like about summer? 


Tuesday, 18 July 2023

TMST: Have you found a way to cut back significantly on your TBR pile?

Have you found a way to cut back significantly on your TBR pile?

(Do excuse me while I try not to die laughing over here...)

Cut back on my TBR pile? Cut back?!!! I lost my mind earlier this year and COUNTED how many books I actually had on my TBR pile - physical, audio and ebook - and it was over 1400 books. 
Since then, I've added... More. So many more. 
(Ebook sales! They're the devil, I tell ya!)

Then I went to RARE London and added even more books...

And I have RARE Florence in September... Don't be mistaken in thinking that the plane ride and baggage limitations will stop me! 
At this point, I don't think anything can... I have an addiction. 

Suffice to say, I have no way to cut back on the TBR pile. 

Well, that's not entirely true... I could stop acquiring books and spend the next 10-12 years just reading books I own but let's be realistic... That ain't going to happen!

So... How about you? Any tips/tricks for cutting back on the TBR pile? 👀


Wednesday, 5 July 2023

The Modern Girl's Guide To Magic by Linsey Hall

So here’s the deal—I’m a magical disaster. A witch from a family of witches, and the only one whose magic blows up in her face. Which is why I came up with my rules… 1. Never get involved with magic 2. If you must, do not enter a competition to win the biggest magical fortune in England 3. And definitely don't fall for Callan Hawthorne, the sexy billionaire mage who you've hated for years So how the heck do I end up in a situation that promises to break all those rules? It's the only way to save Seaside Spells, my family’s magical potion shop. But it’s cool. When I go back home to Charming Cove—a village of ancient pubs and foul-mouthed familiars—I will totally ignore Witch Weekly’s Sexiest Man of the Year. I’ll win the competition, and if I’m lucky, I won’t turn myself into a toad in the process. This'll be fine. It’ll all be fine. Riiiight.

The Modern Girl’s Guide to Magic is a fun, light romantic comedy full of laughter, love, and magical hijinks. It’s the first in a series of stand alone romances set in the seaside village of Charming Cove.

OMG, guys! This book was absolutely delightful!!

It has humour, family/found family, romance and magical shenanigans!
It was so easy to read that I barely noticed time passing and before I knew it I was done!

It was a perfect, feel-good, cosy book.
It's not complicated and it's not deep. It lacks drama and there are no surprises. It was so soothing!

I'm a little disappointed that future books won't be about Aria and Callan but I look forward to reading more about the people of Charming Cove! Plus, I'm sure Aria and Callan will feature so we'll get an update.

If you're looking for a heart warming read with a sprinkle of magic then look no further!
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