Friday 18 May 2018

Book Blogger Hop: What Are Your Worst Movies Based Off Of Books?

What were your worst movies based off of books? 

I think it'll always be universal fact that the book is better than the movie but there are some where I've read the books, and then watched the movies, and still really enjoyed the films. 

For example, I really enjoyed the first Twilight movie. I thought that was pretty close to the book and well done.

The Hunger Games movies I thought were excellent.

The Lord of The Rings movies (extended editions) were pretty damn awesome too.

The Notebook will always be a romantic favourite.

There are countless others that I quite enjoyed, and even more that I know are from books but I've never read the book so can't comment on whether I thought the adaptation was good or not.

A book to film doesn't always have to go badly... It's just maddening how off the mark they can be sometimes.

Here are some perfect examples of what I considered a horrible book to movie translation:

Vampire Academy. 
Did you SEE what they did to that book? To Dimitri? To all of it? Gah! 
I shudder in horror every time I think of it and seeing as I only watched it recently the horror is still fresh. 

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. 
The book is awesome, the film is garbage. 
The little dude enjoyed the film and is so very confused - now he's listened to the book - over why the film is so different. 

I had to give him the 'Hollywood like to butcher lovely books' talk. 
I mean, they butchered The Lightning Thief movie too but I think because I saw it before reading the book that I'm possibly more forgiving of the changes made in that one... 

Harry Potter. 
Yep. I've said it. I hate them. 
And I'm not sorry. 
I will always hate them and I will argue in great amounts of detail with anyone who thinks they were done well... 
Except for The Philosopher's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets. They were okay. 
The rest should be cast into a fiery pit and tortured for all eternity for being the abominations that they are.

Confessions of a Shopaholic
It doesn't matter how annoying I found the book, the film was worse. A bazillion times worse with a cherry on the top.
If you haven't seen it, be thankful.

I'm sure there are more, in fact I know there are more, that I've found appalling but these are the ones that jumped immediately to mind.
I'm really looking forward to seeing other people's answers to this question!

Tuesday 8 May 2018

TMST: Do you really read excerpts when featured on blogs?

Do you really read excerpts when featured on blogs? 

That depends on whether the blurb sounds interesting. 
If the blurb sounds interesting then I'll read the excerpt. 
If I like the excerpt, I'll add the book to the wishlist. 

Would I visit a blog to specifically read an excerpt? 
But considering how many books are available in every genre you can imagine now, an excerpt can go a long way towards making an informed choice on whether to spend the hard-earned cash, and take a chance on an unfamiliar author, or not. 
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