Do you have an Instagram account? If so, do you only follow book folks?
Yes, I have an Instagram account.
I set it up with the intention of creating a 'bookstagram' to compliment my book blog but it didn't work out that way.
I love taking pictures but I'm not the type who will spend hours playing with my bookshelves to make them look pretty (honestly, they're a bit of a dusty disgrace!) or the type to collect bookish memorabilia that could be used to make beautiful pictures... In the end, I just decided not to even try.
I do share bookish things on my Instagram but it's not the sole focus of my Instagram.
I like to post lots of cat pictures.
I also post random pictures of places and things I find interesting.
As for who I follow, I follow authors I like, bloggers I like, people I find interesting and bookstagrammers who post all the pretty book spreads.
Ultimately, I'm just not a big fan of Instagram.
I'm a simple creature and I haven't spent anywhere near enough time working out how it works and how to get the best out of it.