Friday, 29 June 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Do you have an Instagram account? If so, do you only follow book folks?

Do you have an Instagram account?  If so, do you only follow book folks?

Yes, I have an Instagram account.
I set it up with the intention of creating a 'bookstagram' to compliment my book blog but it didn't work out that way. 

I love taking pictures but I'm not the type who will spend hours playing with my bookshelves to make them look pretty (honestly, they're a bit of a dusty disgrace!) or the type to collect bookish memorabilia that could be used to make beautiful pictures... In the end, I just decided not to even try.
I do share bookish things on my Instagram but it's not the sole focus of my Instagram. 
I like to post lots of cat pictures.
I also post random pictures of places and things I find interesting.

As for who I follow, I follow authors I like, bloggers I like, people I find interesting and bookstagrammers who post all the pretty book spreads. 

Ultimately, I'm just not a big fan of Instagram. 
I'm a simple creature and I haven't spent anywhere near enough time working out how it works and how to get the best out of it. 

Friday, 8 June 2018

Book Blogger Hop: What author have you read the most in the past two years?

What author have you read the most in the past two years?

This is a really simple question.
I didn't even have to think that hard about it.

Two years ago, I was in the middle of a reading crisis and by crisis I mean I was barely reading a book a month because I'd lost my mojo and nothing was pulling me out of my funk, pretty much because I was in a dark place and until I managed to dig myself out of the hole I was drowning in, nothing was going to be fun.

As part of the digging myself out of my misery pit, I deleted my old blog, cut off social media and simplified my life.

Simplifying my life worked a treat and before long I was reading regularly again and I discovered I missed my blog but it was too late to reinstate it - and the associated social media - so Sunny Buzzy Books was born.

Within weeks of starting Sunny Buzzy Books, I decided to read the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. I was in an Urban Fantasy mood, I had about 6 of them already, between the book shelf and the kindle, so I picked them up and started reading... And I didn't stop until I'd inhaled all nine plus multiple novellas set in the Kate Daniels world.

But I didn't stop there.

Over the past year, I have read everything available by Ilona Andrews with the exception of the two Kingsman novels and two of The Edge series.
That means I have read approximately 25 novels and novellas by this writing duo since May last year.

Two more Ilona Andrews novels - and one more novella - are on the TBR for this year: all pre-ordered.

I just LOVE their world building, their attention to detail and the strong characters they develop. The romance junkie in me also loves how they build the relationships between characters in their books. It always feels so genuine... Raw, real, believable and sexy.

So, yeah.
The simple answer to this would have just been to say Ilona Andrews, but that would've been boring.

What about you? Who have you read the most of in the past two years?
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