Friday 28 June 2019

Book Blogger Hop: Would you or do you choose a book solely on the cover?

Would you or do you choose a book solely on the cover?

I know, I know!
You should never judge a book by its cover but sometimes I do and I'm not sorry!

This has resulted in buying some awful books (but with pretty pretty covers!) and it has resulted in my buying some pretty awesome books (with pretty pretty covers).

It also means that sometimes I miss absolute gems of books because their covers are ugly.

There are just so many books!
You can't read the descriptions of them all, something has to catch your attention and for me, it's definitely the cover and sometimes the cover is convincing enough on its own that I listen to it and buy the book everything else be damned.

What about you?


To view the linky list of this weeks Hop participants, please visit The Coffee Addicted Writer.

Tuesday 25 June 2019

TTT: Books On My Summer 2019 TBR

Books On My Summer 2019 TBR

Most of my summer TBR is back list books that I own but haven't gotten around to reading yet, however, there are a couple of upcoming releases mixed in too that I have on preorder.

Ilona Andrews 

I read this one last year when it was released as a web serial and can't wait to read it once it's released as a completed novel all shiny and edited with extra scenes. 

The Hidden Legacy series is a little gem and even though it's not Nevada who is continuing the world (but instead Nevada's sister), I'm still excited!

Karen Chance

It's been a long year to wait for the next instalment but book 9 is almost upon us!
In even more good news, book 10 will apparently release in December!
That's one silver lining from the author's publishing house dropping the series... Shorter waits between books! Thank god for self-publishing!

Kristen Ashley

I'm finally ready to read Rush's book and say my goodbyes to Chaos!

Devney Perry

This is a new to me author and a new to me book (only found out about its existence a week or two ago) but it sounds so good!

Helen Hoang

Everyone seems to love it and I'm looking forward to finding out what the fuss is about!

BB Easton

I love the cover, I love the blurb, I love the title... Hopefully, the book is also something I'll love!

Christina Lauren

This writing duo get a lot of love and I have so many of their books on the TBR but am sad to say I've read none of them!
Since Josh & Hazel aren't just on my TBR but are actually on my kindle I'm starting here!

Karina Halle

I have a love/hate thing going on with Karina Halle's books and I've had this one checked out on Kindle Unlimited for almost a year now... It's about time I read it.
It sounds like it'll be awesome so fingers crossed!

Emma Chase

I've never read an Emma Chase. I know, I know... I hang my head in shame. This one has been sitting on my kindle for years now. It's about time I read it!


What's on your summer reading list?

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Bookish Memes! #1

This week, I wanted to take part in some weekly memes but really struggled. 
I didn't have a 'full post' answer for any of the questions and I'm so backlogged in reviews it seemed silly to fill up multiple 'slots' with half-assed responses so I'm merging them all into one post and calling it good this week! 

Topic: Unpopular Bookish Opinions

Number One
I don't care if someone creases my book spines, folds page corners,  gets marks on pages or water wrinkles across the bottom... Books are made for reading and enjoying and where is the joy in hyperventilating about the condition of your book while reading it?
Find something else to worry about because there are far worse evils in the world.

Number Two
Old book smell is kinda gross.
Musty, dusty, mouldy, sneezy skeezy gross.

Number Three
Ebooks are better.

Question: Have you ever been called a "book nerd?" If so, how did you react?

Yep, I'm pretty sure I've been called some variation of that on numerous occasions throughout my existence... I don't see it as a bad thing and if the person calling me it thinks it's a bad thing then I question the mental faculties of the person in question.
Maybe they should read more... It might help them get a clue.

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