Friday, 27 April 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Have You Ever Thought About Writing An Angry Letter To...

This Week's Question: 
Have you ever thought of writing a respectful, but angry letter to an author to ask them WHY they killed off one of your favorite characters in a novel? 

My Answer: 

Erm, no. I can't say that I have.

I can honestly say that I haven't even thought about doing it either.

In fact, as I write this, I'm struggling to recall a character whose death sent me into a flying rage which is the state I'd get ranty -respectful or otherwise - and I can't think of one.

I've been saddened by the death of many a favourite character before, a little angry sure, but never enraged. 
I think you'd have to be truly incensed to send a howler to an author over what they chose to do with a character of their own creation.

My propensity for getting emotionally involved with fictional characters is a running joke amongst my family and friends but I obviously just don't care enough about their deaths.
However, you switch this around and make it about romantic interests doing shitty things or bad things happening to my favourite couples and I'd be tempted, lol. 
That's one of the reasons I read romance... You're almost certainly guaranteed a happy ever after!

Friday, 6 April 2018

Book Blogger hop: Do you Overextend Yourself With Reviews?

This Week's Question: 
Do you over-extend yourself with too many reviews because you can't pass up a book in hopes you will get them all done or do you carefully plan and be sure you can fulfil the deadlines for all the promised reviews? 

My Answer: 

No. Yes. Sometimes... I'm much more careful nowadays than I used to be.

Back when I ran my previous blog - The Book Lovers Codex - I used to jump at the chance of a review copy. I said yes to all the books because I felt I was supposed to and so many of the books offered to me sounded appealing. 
However, it didn't take long for the review copies to overtake my life. I felt pressured to read, stressed while reading and wanted to hide from my blog because it was all too much. 
Everything I read was because I 'had to' read it not because I wanted to read it right at that moment. 
It didn't matter what mood I was in, if a review was due I'd have to read the book.

It got me down and though it wasn't the reason I decided to quit blogging it did play a huge part in sucking the joy out of blogging and making it a chore.

That's why when I decided to start blogging again - and created Sunny Buzzy Books - I decided I wasn't going to do it. I was going to read only what I wanted to read, when I wanted to read it.

This has meant that I have to be very selective in what I sign up for and I have mostly managed it, although April is going to be insane as a result of being accepted for everything I applied to take part in... Ooops! 
In my defence, I'm really excited about all the tours I'm on this month and reading the books has been anything but a chore seeing as I'd buy them all to read on my own anyway. 
However, I guess it shows though that no matter how wise you think you have become to something - and no matter how selective you are - every now and again you'll get bit in the butt, lol.
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