Friday 31 May 2019

Book Blogger Hop: Do you read books over 400 pages?

Do you read books over 400 pages?

I guess I'd answer this with another question: Why the heck wouldn't I?

Okay, so 400 pages is a long book.
It's a huge investment of time and if you're reading that bad boy in print, you're going to get muscle strain trying to prop the flipping thing open. However, if it's a book you want to read, why wouldn't you read it?
Just because it's long?
Surely that just means more bookish goodness?
More of the characters and writing style that you love?

If it was a brand-new author and I had no idea whether I'd like the writing, the world, or the characters, then I may be a little more hesitant but not by much... Case in point, over 1000 pages for The Priory of The Orange Tree, I've never read the author but it's sitting on my kindle awaiting my leisure.

If a book sounds good and you want to read it then read it.
It's not a difficult decision, it's rather simple.
If it's not, then I ask you why do you read?
Is it to batter though as many books as you can or is it to read content that you'll enjoy?
Is it to escape and experience? Or to rock up a tally on Goodreads?
I don't think I've ever seen a book cost more because it's a long book, so that can't be the reason...
I'm genuinely mystified as to why this is an issue for people.
Can someone explain it to me?

Tuesday 28 May 2019

TTT: Favorites From The Past 10 Years

Favourite Books Released In the Last Ten Years / Books From My Favourite Genre

This should be an easy topic... I mean, it's favourite books! It's easy to list all your favourite books, isn't it?
Actually, no. No, it absolutely is not. At least, not for me... And favourite books of the past 10 years?! How am I supposed to remember that? I've read so many books in the past 10 years! Plus, my favourite genre changes like the seasons: Major mood reader here!
There have been many authors over the past 10 years whose work has struck a chord with me, who have become favourites, autobuys... And there have been books series that I read, couldn't get enough of, and cried when they ended.
So, I thought I'd tweak things a little and list my favourite discoveries, authors, series and books from the past 10 years.


Mariana Zapata

Mariana Zapata is the queen of slow burn romance!
Her characters are quirky, her stories full of heart and her heroes? Perfectly imperfect.
I adore her work and only wish there was less time between releases for I always want more!

Tammara Webber - Easy/Breakable

Beautiful writing, unforgettable characters, a heart-breaking and uplifting story... How could anybody read these books and not fall in love with all that is Lucas?!

Ilona Andrews

Anyone who follows this blog will be absolutely sick of hearing about my Ilona Andrews love (and probably my Zapata love come to think of it!) but I don't care.
I LOVE their books. Love love love them.

Amazing worlds, action-packed stories, and realistic relationships that give you all the feels.
What's not to love?

I Heart Series by Lindsey Kelk

Maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic having recently finished the final book in the series but I'm really going to miss Angela, Alex and the gang.
Their insane adventures, wonderful relationships and friendships have made me smile for years and I hope will continue to do so as time goes on.

Rick Riordan

I've said it before and I'm going to say it again: I love Rick Riordan's Olympians just as much, possibly more, than I love Harry Potter.

Yep! I said it and I'm not sorry.
He writes amazing characters and fantastical stories steeped in Greek myth and legend. I adore them, my kid adores them and I fail to see how anyone could dislike these wonderful books so full of heart, friendship and sacrifice.

Alex Craft Series by Kalanya Price

I finished reading this series only last week and I know with 100% certainty it'll be a series that I'll re-read in years to come. I absolutely loved this gritty and unique UF world where magic and Fae exist but the usual UF beasties (weres, vamps and the like) do not.

I'm tweaking as I write this desperate for news on book 7 (rumoured to be the final book! *sobs*) despite the fact that book 6 only released in April...

Caroline & West Duo by Robin York

Some of the events in these novels were hard to swallow but York created something truly beautiful in this pair... Never have I rooted for a fictional couple so hard!

Kristen Ashley

Crazy protective alphas and sassy kick-ass women. Stories with a whole load of passion and a hint of danger... What's not to like?

The Hollows Series by Kim Harrison

Characters I've never been able to let go of even though the series ended several years ago. I love Rachel, Ivy, Jenks, Trent and the rest of the gang so much as well as the wonderful UF world Harrison created. Finding out she's not only working on new material back in The Hollows but writing once more about Rachel and co? Year. Made.

Kylie Scott

Her books always make me smile and laugh and her Stage Dive boys hold a special place in my heart.


So, what are your favourites?

Friday 24 May 2019

Book Blogger Hop: Do you continue with a book even though you aren't liking it?

Do you continue with a book even though you aren't liking it?

I guess the short answer to this is that I used to have a policy of always finishing a book even if I hated it, especially if it was a copy I'd been given for review.
Nowadays, I'm much kinder to myself.
Time is precious and my reading time is growing less and less as life makes its demands, therefore, I refuse to waste it on something I dislike.

The longer answer would be something along the lines of:

If a book isn't resonating but I think it's something I would enjoy if I were in a different mood, I shelve it until the mood strikes.
I'll mention this in a weekly wrap up post but I won't rate it/review it anywhere unless I eventually read the book and actually have something to say beyond "it's not you, it's me."

If a book isn't great but I'm not hating it, I'll keep reading it until it's finished or until it reaches a point that I just cannot be bothered to continue (for whatever reason) and then I'll stop.
These books get mentioned in my weekly wrap up posts and sometimes shelved on goodreads with an explanation of why I stopped reading or why I found it very 'meh'.
If I finished it, I may review it and post it in the usual places but chances are I won't bother as it requires time and energy I'm not invested enough to give.

Sometimes, a book is so awful, it's like a hideous car wreck, and I want to stop reading it but I just cannot stop myself from finishing it.
These books I'll review, in all my blistering glory, as if it was awful but I still managed to finish it, you can guarantee I'll have a lot to say about it!

What about you? Do you waste your reading time finishing everything you start?
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