Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Fall TBR, Bookish Holidays and Alchemists!

I love participating in weekly bookish memes, answering questions and making lists, but sometimes the answers are not enough to make a decent post... On their own!
So, on those weeks, I'll be combining rather than skipping!

This week's topic is... Books On My Fall 2019 TBR

OMG, there are lots!
However, the ones I'm most looking forward to reading are...

The Alchemist and an Amaretto & Slaying Monsters for The Feeble by Annette Marie (releasing October and November).
Shatter The Earth by Karen Chance (supposed to release in December)
The Throne of Fire & The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan (these are part of my audio list!)
The Darkest Star by Jennifer L. Armentrout (because I never finished it last year due to getting sick and my reading mood changing.)
The Cruel Prince (and the other two in the series because the trilogy will finally be complete and I can binge!)
War by Laura Thalassa (feel like I've waited forever!)
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer (because I never finished it the first time due to reading slumpage.)

I can't wait anymore! It's been too long and I just can't... I need to catch up with my precious mages! And Tori! And... And... Needs it! 😭

Releases October 11th

As a guild bartender, I can handle pretty much anything--mages, sorcerers, witches, the occasional demon. But show me anything family-related and I'd rather run for the hills. It doesn't even have to be my family.

So I have no idea why I thought spending the holidays with Aaron's mom and pop was a good idea.

Meeting his famous parents is already terrifying enough, but I've got a bigger problem. Students of his family's renowned mage academy are being attacked on the grounds--and somehow no one has seen a single assailant? Unexplained tracks litter the nearby woods, rumors of forbidden alchemy are circulating the campus...and Ezra has been acting strangely since we arrived.

Something deadly is brewing in the shadow of Sinclair Academy, and the longer we take to uncover it, the more dangerous it becomes. But no matter the risk, we'll protect the students.

And Aaron's parents too, I suppose. If we have to.

Have you ever wished that there were official government bookish holidays, and that, by law, employers HAD to give their workers a paid day off? If so, what kind of bookish holiday would you like to have?

Erm... No. No, I can't say that I have.
You see, I like to joke that I should be paid to read and I often wish I was granted a special day 'just for reading' (aka an extra day in the week or something) but in reality, I'd hit the roof if anyone told me I had to spend a day reading. 
It's 100% acceptable if I just decide I'm reading today, but actually telling me I have a day off and I have to read? My rebellious little brain would go on strike and I'd end up watching Netflix.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Bookish Munchies, Reading Times and Mix Tapes!

I love participating in weekly bookish memes, answering questions and making lists, but sometimes the answers are not enough to make a decent post... On their own!
So, on those weeks, I'll be combining rather than skipping!

This week we're asked for our Favorite Things to Eat/Drink While Reading.

To be honest? I don't eat much while reading.
Occasionally, I may munch on a biscuit ('cookies') or crisps ('chips') but it's not a regular thing... I also have a sweet spot for skittles and wine gums but I try not to buy them often because I. Cannot. Resist!

I do however always have drinks on the go while reading. 
Tea, water or squash. 

Mix Tape

Release Date: 20th January 2020

You never forget the one that got away. But what if ‘what could have been’ is still to come?

Daniel was the first boy to make Alison a mix tape.
But that was years ago and Ali hasn’t thought about him in a very long time. Even if she had, she might not have called him ‘the one that got away’; she’d been the one to run away, after all.
Then Dan’s name pops up on her phone, with a link to a song from their shared past.
For two blissful minutes, Alison is no longer an adult in Adelaide with temperamental daughters; she is sixteen in Sheffield, dancing in her too-tight jeans. She cannot help but respond in kind.

And so begins a new mix tape.

Ali and Dan exchange songs – some new, some old – across oceans and time zones, across a lifetime of different experiences, until one of them breaks the rules and sends a message that will change everything…
Because what if ‘what could have been' is still to come?

Question: How long does it usually take you to finish a book?

How long is a piece of string? 
There is no simple answer to this question. 
I can inhale a 600+ page beast in a day if I'm utterly engrossed. 
I can labour over a 250-page book for a week if I'm liking it but not loving it. 
I can take weeks if I'm not feeling it but, for whatever reason, want to finish it.
For a 'typical' book of 300-400 pages, that I'm really enjoying but not enough to abandon everything else I need to do to in order to finish it, it usually takes two days.

Audiobooks are different though as I can only listen to them under certain situations or I lose the plot, quite literally!
The audiobooks I've been listening to have been between 12 and 17 hours long and take about three or four weeks of commuting to finish. 
I could probably finish them faster but sometimes I need to think or want music instead.
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