Book Review Policy

 I'm happy to receive book review requests but I do not accept every book I am invited to review. I'm sorry I can't read all the books - it's the painful reality of a booklover's life! - but there's just not enough time in the day. 

If you'd like me to consider your book, and it falls within the parameters of what I like to read, please do bring it to my attention!
 I promise don't bite... 👀

My contact form is in the sidebar or you can email me at

What I Read

I'm a chaotic mood reader and I read whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like it, but what never changes is that I am a romance junkie and my preferred reading material tends to fall into the romance genre. 

I'll read pretty much anything with a strong romantic hook... Although there are exceptions! 
If it's a slashy stabby thriller then I'd more than likely pass. Unless its a dark romance... 😉
If it's fantasy or urban fantasy with a strong romantic hook? Give. It. To. Me. I NEEDS it. NEEDS IT, I say! 
(*cough* Do excuse me... 😳)

Within the romance genre, my preferred subgenres are contemporary romance, fantasy romance and paranormal romance. That said, if it's a romance - happily ever after/for now essential! - then I'll consider it. 

Morally grey MMCs, Cinnamon Roll MMCs or Enemies-to-Lovers are my catnip.

Points of note when requesting a book review...

Reviews are my own, unbiased, opinion. 
They will not be amended in any way to suit the requester or anybody else.  
They're fairly short, and to the point, and I try to avoid spoilers... In other words, I don't write 1500 word recaps, mini-essays, or in depth dissections analysing every plot point of a book or the author's writing technique in flowery prose. 
I'm not knocking those that do! I just don't.
I focus on what I liked, what I didn't like but, more importantly, how a book made me feel.

 Ebooks. audiobooks, or physical copies welcomed.
(I'm easy that way. 😜 )

 I'm a UK based blogger so if you plan on sending a physical copy of a book, please consider postage costs - which you would be responsible for - before requesting a review. 

 Reviews will be posted on my blog, Goodreads and Amazon, plus promoted via social media. 

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