Friday, 2 June 2017

Book Blogger Hop: Do Your Bookshelves Contain Books Only Or...

This week's question is:
Do your bookshelves have books ONLY or do you also have bookish items on the shelves? 

It depends on what bookshelf we're talking about! The bookshelves in my front room and bedroom have both books and other nicknacks on them (not book related) whereas the bookshelves in the hallway only have books. 

I'm also weird on how I organise my bookshelves. The ones in the front room have my history books, factual books, books on myths and legends... That type of thing. 

The book shelves in my hallway have all my paranormal romance, fantasy, urban fantasy and YA books. 
The bookshelves in the bedroom have all my chick-lit, contemporary romance and smut. 😉

What about you? Be sure to let me know what you keep on your bookshelves in the comments. 



  1. I have a weird order with my shelves that only I understand lol

    Some of it is by release date, others by color, genre. It IS organized but only to my trained eye haha

    I do have bookish items on some shelves but again, it's kind of random.

    For What It's Worth

    1. The best book shelves are the ones that make sense only to the beholder 😉

  2. Ahh it's so awesome that you have enough shelves to separate books by genre. That's my dream! Awesome answer and welcome to the Book Blogger Hop community!

    Here is my response!

  3. Sounds like we have a very similar system! My downstairs bookshelves have some stuff other than books (though still mostly books) while my upstairs shelves are all books!

  4. Your shelves sound very organized. I like it.

    Also...WELCOME to the Blog Hop.

    Such fun to "see" new faces.

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  5. The bookshelves in the living room have only books on them. The two in my bedroom have books, bookends and some bookmarks.

  6. books only and lots of bookshelves I think I have 12 in my house and 11 are in my personal reading room LOL yes I'm obsessed!!

    1. Lol, I have 8. Five floor to ceiling and three half sized. I shudder to think where I'd be at if I hadn't switched mainly to kindle five years ago! (Probably divorced...)

  7. I used to have my books shelved by genre but had such a hard time keeping it organized when new books would come in. So I switched to alphabetical order and life has been moving smoothly. LoL My shelves hold just books on them with maybe a figurine or small candle off to the side in front of them. I don't really have the extra space to put things on the shelf in a nice display though.

    1. I'm too disorganised for alphabetical as daft as that may sound! lol

  8. I have a few bookish themed items on my signed bookshelves. On my other bookcases I have just books.
    It's nice to meet you. :) I'm stopping by from the #getsocial17 blog hop

  9. Good plan. That's the only time I can bring my self to do major re-organising of the book shelves.

  10. I always find it interesting to hear how people organise their bookshelves - mine is pretty much split into a paperback bookcase and a hardback bookcase :)

    1. It does annoy me having hardbacks mixed in with paperbacks so I tend to have hardback shelves and paperback shelves in each 'section', lol.

  11. My bookshelves also hold DVD's/BluRay's besides books. I've also got one bookshelf that is all manga and one in my bedroom that is all books nothing else. I try to keep authors together, but I don't have any real order except for that.
    I'm stopping from the #getsocial17 event. Have a wonderful week and happy reading!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I too have a bookshelf with DVDs on it but that one is just for DVDs and other bits, it has no books.

  12. My shelves are all out of order right now as I need to get new ones. But I do have some bookish items mixed in with the books - like funko pop characters related to the stories.

    Stopping by as part of the #getsocial2017 blog hop. You can find me at

  13. I only keep books on my shelves, but I must confess they are in no specific order. Organisation is not my strong point. :)
    Totally Addicted to Reading

  14. There are a few knickknacks on mine too :=) No bookish ones though

  15. The sorting makes sense to me! Mine are in the process of being like that (adding more shelves so things are currently a mess lol)

    And a quick heads up on the #GetSocial17 event-- I had a blip with the sign up linky (it didn't request email info from anyone so I couldn't send yall the kick off post ) so stopping by with the link which has the official linky list everyone can use to visit all the blogs :) Hope you meet some fun new friends during the event! Thanks so much for joining in!

  16. Sounds like your bookshelves are ordered much like mine!

    Welcome to the hop :)

  17. I think your scheme makes sense. I have our books sorted rather roughly by genre, with guidebooks, natural history, science and poetry in the bedroom, and other things in other places. History in the dining room. Writing books above the computer where I write. See? It makes sense :)
    Rebecca at The Ninja Librarian

  18. Oh, you're DEFINITELY not the only one with this problem :) I've also recently made a list only Goodreads for the books I own, Kindle or not (mostly Kindle xD) so that I'd at least know how many there are. Ready? 514 at the current moment. How long is your list? :D
    Oh, and yeah. #GetSocial217! :)

  19. I missed seeing you on this week's hop.

    Hope you are having a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer


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