Friday, 2 February 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Do you prefer to blog about specific book genre(s), or do you have an eclectic blog?

This week's Question: 
Do you prefer to blog about (a) specific book genre(s), or do you have an eclectic blog? 

My Answer: 

I honestly haven't thought about it. 

I blog about what I read, whenever I read it, therefore I'd like to think that the blog is eclectic and will become more so over time as my reading whims change. 
However, looking through my reviews and posts since I started Sunny Buzzy Books, I've been very heavy on the Urban Fantasy (UF), Fantasy and Paranormal Romance (PNR) side of things. 
Some contemporary romances have been mixed up amongst it, but someone could be easily forgiven for assuming that UF / PNR are my primary bag. 
I guess, at the moment, they are. 
No matter what genre I'm reading, one thing remains the same: I read romance. 
Romance is a constant for me and is a focus for the blog. 
The genre of romance changes but I crave a strong romantic hook in the books I read. 

Lately, I've been flirting with including the books I read with my son on the blog, so that'll shake things up a bit and on the occasions I do read something that is out with the romance bracket, I wouldn't hesitate to include it. 
Therefore, I'm going with eclectic! 


  1. I’ve never tried to focus my blog toward any one genre. I just share what I read. I know some blogs focus solely on YA or fantasy or romance, but I don’t want to feel locked in to that. I wouldn’t say I read widely necessarily - I have a few favorites genres and tend to stick with them - but I share whatever I’m reading on the blog, no matter the genre. Like you, no matter what I read, it’s sure to have some romance in it. :)

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. I'm terrible in that it doesn't matter how wonderful a story is, if there is no romantic hook of any kind, I just can't deal with it, lol. It doesn't need to be the primary focus, it just needs to exist and be satisfying in some way or another! :)

  2. I tend to stay with the genres that I enjoy. They mostly include romance too. Blog and read about what you enjoy. Have a great weekend!

  3. Good answer.

    I stay with what I read...I don't venture out of my three favorites. :)

    Hope your Saturday is good.

  4. Hi, oh yes, any book I read either needs to be a romance or to include a romance. Love makes the world go round, as they say.

  5. I review children's books every now and again! They're just so fun!! :)

  6. Eclectic for sure. But I do prefer fantasy even if it does not show

  7. Although I'm eclectic, my reviews have also leaned pretty heavily toward PNR and UF. I just LOVE those genres!! And, like you, I tend to read a LOT of romance. Although my favorite kind of romance novels are of the PNR variety, I do sometimes read contemporaries. I prefer historical romance, though.

    I also LOVE fantasy and science fiction, and would definitely like to read more of the latter.

    Last year, I read a GREAT book that's not in my usual genres -- "Kiss Carlo", by Adriana Trigiani. This book is classified as historical fiction on Goodreads, and is a family saga, with some romance included. I don't usually go for family sagas, but this was WONDERFUL!!

    So yeah, I think that eclectic is the way to go for me!

    I would be very interested in reading your reviews of the books you're reading with your son! :)

    Thanks for sharing! Thanks as well for commenting on my BBH post!! Happy Sunday!! <3 <3 :) :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Maria! I'll be sure to check out Kiss Carlo and see what it's about. :)

  8. I don't have my own blog but I prefer reading blogs that cover multiple genres! #LoveofBooks

  9. I tend to focus on my preferred genres but do go outside that when a book interests me

  10. I have a preference for romance, too. But I'll blog all the other stuff I read as well. I like seeing what all people read even if it's not the main thing they typically blog about.

    1. Agreed. I also think that if your reading tastes typically marry up with someones, and they read something completely random and enjoy it, then there's an even chance you'll find it amusing too...

  11. My blog is eclectic as well. I like to read many different genres and feature many different genres.

    1. Can't go wrong with writing about what you read. :)


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