Thursday 21 June 2018

Review: Mute by M.L. Nystrom


Katrina Vega is set on one thing: finishing college. She’s determined not to let anything or anyone distract her, especially not hot brooding bikers. On her mission to stay focused, she doesn’t expect to be pulled into the fold of a motorcycle club, let alone into the arms of Alec "Mute" Stillwater. 

Unable to keep her guard up, Katrina soon discovers that beneath the hard and rough exterior of a family she’s grown to care for, there’s also loyalty and passion she’s envious of. But falling for the club’s enforcer will not only threaten her plans but quite possibly her life.

*more like 3.5 stars but I couldn't make that work on my graphic...*


Full length novel

First person





No but there's sex with another woman before the hero and heroine get together but after they've met - which I know many hate.



Mute is one of those books that I thought the blurb sounded good but I 1-clicked because of the cover. Yep, sometimes I’m that shallow.

However, a pretty cover does not a good book make but luckily Mute was a pretty good book. It wasn’t great, it wasn’t bad it was somewhere firmly in okay territory. 

It was easy to read, the story wasn’t angsty or nail biting. It was pretty much what you’d expect from a MC romance that rides on the tamer side of the genre, i.e. rebel club rather than a straight-up criminal club, abusing the women not tolerated out with some misogynistic asshattery etc. etc.

The characters were likable enough, even though I wanted to kick them on various occasions… My only big grumble would be that there were some inconsistencies in some characters behaviour that I found jarring, like sudden personality flips, not on a jekyll and hyde scale, just behavior later in the book that didn't jibe right with the character we got to know in the beginning…

As I said, it’s not awesome but it’s not bad and if you like this sub-genre and want something lighter to read then give I’d give it a try.

 I’m in love with this cover. I just… I love it. I hate the cigarette - as I’m not a fan of smoking and who wants to kiss an ashtray? - but I love the cover. That hair, the jaw… I’m a pretty boy fan girl apparently with the depth of a puddle. 



  1. Every time I see this cover I feel the same way. This has been getting some really good reviews.

  2. “Sometimes I’m that shallow.” LOL *raises hand* Me too! :)
    I’m thinking I’ve only read maybe one MC romance before (something by Joanna Wylde) and it was okay but not great. But I definitely want to try others. Sounds like this would be kind of a tame one to dip my toes into the genre. Like you, I’m loving that cover (sans cigarette, of course).
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. Hmm, I'd recommend Kristen Ashley's Chaos series if you're looking to dip your toes in. It's tamer (but still edgy) and they're amazingly sweet, sexy and emotive romances.


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