Monday 2 July 2018

Review: Strawberries At Wimbledon by Nikki Moore

Seeing as Wimbledon is about to begin, it seemed a perfect time to post this review!

The one that got away?

Sipping Pimms and eating fresh strawberries at Wimbledon are the perfect start to the British summer for Rayne. Immersed in her career as a journalist in the City, she's been too busy and distracted to give men – or other outside interests – much of a chance lately. That's something her friend Lily thinks she should correct, coming up with the perfect ‘sex with an ex’ solution – much to the amusement of the crowd on Centre Court!

When Rayne runs into old flame Adam, former good guy who is now all grown up with a hint of bad boy about him, it's a tempting thought. But is that such a good idea, when she knows that four years ago, she broke his heart?

Back from travelling the world and settling into running the family business, Adam never expected to see his university girlfriend again. And he definitely didn't think he would still be angry with her for running away, or that she would still have the same stunning effect on him. But she does, so maybe the perfect way to get her out of his dreams and from under his skin, is to have a hot sex-filled night with her? The only trouble is, one night might not be enough…

First love – can you ever go back?



Third Person


No. Although it is part of a series of, what I assume, are interconnected standalones.


More of a HFN




Strawberries at Wimbledon is a short and sweet novella that feels like sunshine. 
That sounds weird, doesn’t it? But it’s true. 
It’s a second chance romance and it centres around Wimbledon. 
Wimbledon makes me think of sun, strawberries and lazy weekends and thus that’s what this novella felt like despite the fact I read it in winter when it was howling a gale outside.

The characters were likable, but slightly annoying, in the present but the flashbacks to them when they were in uni were just adorable. 
The pacing of the novella was good and the inevitable conclusion didn’t feel rushed because why the hell were this pair parted in the first place?! 
(Idiots. They were idiots. That’s why.)

I really liked the author’s writing style and I finished it in a single sitting with a huge smile on my face.
If you’re looking for a quick read to make you smile, give it a try!

It's summary, fun and forgettable. 



  1. This sounds super light and a lot of fun. Perfect for a quick summer read. And the Wimbledon theme is awfully timely! :)

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. I have the attention span of a fly at the moment so I need to read more novellas I think! Shame they can be so hit or miss...

  2. This sounds cute and just the thing for a summer read Now I want strawberries.

    1. And cream. The squirty cream from a can. 🤤

  3. This sounds like a great summer read, I'm glad you enjoyed it, despite some annoying characters!

    Tori @ In Tori Lex

  4. I love this kind of quick read novellas for summer.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Perfect for when time is short or, in my case at the moment, attention spans are short! lol

  5. A quick read is always nice when you don't have a lot of time.

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