Friday 12 October 2018

Review: Dear Jane by Kennedy Ryan

I broke her heart ten years ago and left town.

She hates me, and rightly so. It doesn’t matter that the rest of the country loves me, that I’m a starting quarterback with a multimillion-dollar contract. Because when I look in the mirror, all I see is a failure who was too young—and too afraid—to fight for what I wanted.

But I’m not that guy anymore, and all I need is one shot to convince her.


He has no idea what happened after he left. And now I’m supposed to work alongside him like we don’t have this huge, messy history?

But I’m older now, wiser, and I won’t let anything stand in my way of doing a good job for this league. Not even one overpaid, arrogant player who thinks we’re going to kiss and make up.

News flash, buddy: I am over you.

*eARC provided in exchange for an honest review*


Full-length novel.

Alternating, first-person.







Kendall Ryan has been on my TBR for quite some time so when I was offered the chance to read her up-coming release I jumped on it.
Dear Jane is a second-chance romance and was absolutely addictive!
It's funny, sweet and incredibly sexy.
I loved the leading characters for they were both decent, hard-working and relatable individuals whose chemistry was off the charts.
I love how it was a sports romance but that sport didn't dominate the story, just provided a back-drop for it. I enjoyed how the story focused on the present and that the past was handled via reminiscing and character memories rather than flashback scenes.

It was a simple story of a guy and a gal falling in love again.
There wasn't any crazy exes, slutty groupies, or over-the-top external drama... Just two people and their own issues/business that needed put to bed in order for them to be where they were always supposed to be.

It was sweet, it was lovely and it was a nice happy, carefree read with minor drama.
In fact, my only grumble is that the main drama in this book was so annoying because it was so pointless! A serious case of inserting drama for drama's sake instead of it organically unfolding due to events in the story.

I definitely recommend it if you're looking for a sweet but sexy contemporary read to distract you from your day and I'll definitely be reading the next book in the series featuring Jane's friend - and Wes's team-mate - Alex (who was a scene stealer for me!). 

It's nice to look at but it doesn't exactly scream 'sports romance' does it?
Still... Nice to look at.



  1. This sounds like a great story and I love that there's minimal drama. I hate it when there's drama thrown in just to add drama.

    1. There was a little unnecessary drama towards the end but I still really liked it.
      Compared to a large majority of contemporaries, this was a nice smooth read!

  2. Oh no, not drama for drama's sake! I can smell fake drama a mile away

    1. Yep. You know how there's always a fight/break up of some sort towards the end of a contemporary romance before the big finale? Well the one in this book was so unnecessary and stupid it was obviously just for the sake of ticking the box.
      But I still really liked it.

  3. It's been awhile since I purchased a book by Kendall Ryan. She used to be an automatic purchase for me. I've been seeing this promoted and thought about giving it a read. I'm happy to see that there is no drama. Great review.


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