Friday 28 December 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Do you get any books for Christmas? If so, name the titles.

Did you get any books for Christmas? If so, name the titles.

Can you call yourself a bookworm if you didn't get any books for Christmas?
What kind of madness would that be?
Well actually... I didn't get any books for Christmas.
To be fair, I rarely do as I'm primarily an ebooker. You can't really wrap those and pop them under the tree. I did get a fabulous bookmark though, from my mum. It's for those rare occasions I have a print book in my hands...

What I did get for Christmas are Amazon gift cards. These feed my book buying demon for months!
Seriously, last years Christmas gift cards got me through to June! To be fair, I was being very restrained due to a bulging TBR, my KU subscription and penny pinching to buy my house but still... 6 months on Christmas gift cards.
It was awesome.

This year, I reckon I'm aiming to reach June again as I still have my KU subscription and I have soooo so many books on the backlist that I'm committed to whittling down.

Did you get any books for Christmas this year? What were they?


  1. I got 5 books for Christmas. I just used a wish list that my husband bought from. That's more fun than gift cards to me, because it allows for surprise. I'll name them off on my update this weekend, so won't bother with naming them here.

  2. I didn't get any books but I did get an Amazon gift card...!

  3. I love gift cards- the perfect gift haha! I didn't get any books either (except what I bought myself)!

    1. Those are the best ones! They're exactly what you want, lol.

  4. I didn't get any gift cards or books for Christmas but I will be buying a few books next month. Or at least I'll get a couple from NetGalley. I haven't read a lot this month so I need to step it up next month.

    1. I've not been good with the reading lately either. I'm hoping to get off to a good start in 2019

  5. No books for Christmas! My family doesn't really read (my husband and kids do, but not everyone else), so they wouldn't know what to buy for me. They do however buy me gift cards which I use on books, so it's almost like I get books for the holidays.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Gift cards work. You can get exactly what you want that way! :)

  6. I didn't get any Amazon gift vouchers - but I did get a gift token and some money, which is destined to be spent on - you guessed it - books:)).

    1. I love the guilt free book buying when it comes in the form of giftcards or present money :)

  7. I don't usually get books because nobody knows what to get me, or they just think I have too many I still need to read (I mean...they aren't wrong there LOL) I DID, however, get Lethal White this year from my sister because I love the series and she knew I wanted the most recent book.


    1. Lol, you're not wrong on having too many still to read but that's never the point! Only a true bookworm understands that, lol.

  8. I bought myself 19 books for the holidays which I shared about on my book blog for the hop. I also got am amazon card which I hope to use later in the year when the book buying itch hits again. Happy New Year!

  9. How AWESOME that you got Amazon gift cards this Christmas!!! I'm a PASSIONATE lover of printed books, though, so I would have used them to order such books from Amazon! But I'm happy for you, because you are buying what makes you happy -- ebooks! And being a happy bookworm is what's important, right? :) :)

    It's nice that you got a bookmark from your mom, just in case you do read a printed book!

    So sorry for the late comment back....I'm still trying to catch up! :(

    Hope you and your family had a WONDERFUL Christmas, and a very Happy New Year!! <3 <3 :) :)


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