Friday, 4 January 2019

Book Blogger Hop: Any books you are looking forward to for 2019?

Any books you are looking forward to for 2019?

There are books that are on my radar and that I will jump all over when they release but there is nothing that is burning a hole in my soul because I NEED it! I need it now! You know, those books that you actually are so excited about and cannot wait to read? I don't have any of those in my head right now.

Books I know are coming and I'll definitely be reading include:

By Ilona Andrews...

Sweep of the Blade
This is book 4 in their Innkeeper series, featuring Maud and Arland. It was released throughout 2018 as a weekly web serial and was only supposed to be a novella but it turned into a full length novel. Even though I read the entire thing when it was on the website, I want to read the final, edited and polished version when it's released as an ebook. I'm looking forward to reading it through uninterrupted and see what changes have occurred to boot.

Sapphire Flames

This is book 4 in the Hidden Legacy series and marks a change in main character.
I am excited to see where the series goes and I adore this writing duo so this will be a definite read.

Untitled - Iron Covenant book 2

More Hugh! More of the Kate Daniels world! I have no idea when in 2019 this is scheduled for release - from their blog they're not writing it yet - but I'll be there when it comes up for pre-order doing the happy dance!

Sarah J. Maas - ACOTAR Book 4

I don't know what it's called, I don't know when it releases, but I do know that I'll be there ready to read it when it does!

Free - Kristen Ashley
The final book of the Chaos series (sobs!) and Rush's book! I love that booger. Can't wait to see how it all ends!

The Hail Mary - Ginger Scott
I loved book one and two. Book three... Well, I trust that the author won't burn down this amazing couple. It wouldn't be a romance if she did! 😉

Brave The Tempest - Karen Chance
Okay. This one... This one I might be a little bit psycho excited about. I'm desperate to see what comes next now we're entering the final arc of this series!


  1. I hope we get some news about the 4th ACOTAR book soon. Just a snippet, a little crumb, a title? LOL Which totally reminds me that I need to read A Court of Frost and Starlight stat!

    1. I'm excited to see what comes next in this world.

  2. Great list, hope you enjoy them. I don;t have any books on my radar as of yet but I'm sure I'll be adding more to my wish list soon.

    1. These are all tied to series that I read otherwise I'd be oblivious, I think.

  3. It's so fun to be really looking forward to a book coming out! I need to get better about keeping track - especially for my favorite authors.

    1. I wish I had a system to track releases...

  4. I have a few Ginger Scott books. I have really been wanting to read something from her.

  5. The two I really want are Alison Weir's Jane Seymour which is due out next week in paperback and the new Extinction Trials book in February.

    1. I love history books! Especially the period from war of the roses to end of the Stewarts.

  6. I hope you enjoy them. They look good.

  7. I am a HUGE Ilona Andrews fan, but haven't read this series yet. I started with the Hidden Legacy books, and now I'm working my way through the Kate Daniels series. Book three dropped onto my phone today (yay libraries!) and book four has been on there for about a week. I'm loving it! I'll have to start this one next.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  8. I hope these are all great reads when you get to them! :)



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