Friday 1 March 2019

Book Blogger Hop: From print to e-books? Is either one exclusive?

Have you made the switch from print to e-books? Is either one exclusive?

I was an early ebook adopter. I purchased my first ebook back in... Oh. 2004? I used to read them on my laptop and on the professors little handheld PDA that he'd use to take notes in his uni lectures. It wasn't the most comfortable way of reading, and book choices were pretty limited, but I could see the advantages of them even if I much preferred print.

Fast forward a couple of years and the professor bought me a Sony eReader. It was nice! E-Ink interface and no backlight meant I didn't get eyestrain when reading on one and I loved how I could adjust font size etc. eBook availability had increased significantly and for a student who had to move house fairly frequently (i.e. usually on an annual basis) it was fantastic not having to lug so many boxes of books around with me... And not having to sort which books I'd keep from those I'd surrender on eBay and to charity shops.
However, it was clunky as heck when trying to get books on the thing! I had to buy them on my computer, hook my eReader up to my computer and use the eReader programme installed on the computer to transfer my books. It was a complete faff! And I preferred quick and simple. So, I didn't use it anywhere near as often as I would have because of the awkward interface.
 Print books still ruled for me.

Then, the Christmas of 2010 occurred. The professor, having listened to my complaints with the Sony eReader, bought me a Kindle.
It was a revelation! It was everything I wanted! eInk, non-backlit, a keypad at the bottom so I could easily categorise my books into collections, and - most importantly - all I had to do to buy a book was to go to the Amazon store via the device, select a book, 1-click and poof! Book ready to read!

That marked the end of print for me.
The only time I bought print from then onwards was when I couldn't get the book as an ebook and that was very rare.

That Kindle lasted a couple of years before it died on me. Since then, I've had two others.
My third Kindle being my current Kindle. Each of them has brought a little something extra to the reading experience and nowadays I only buy the print version when I spot a particularly good deal (i.e. a box set at the fraction of the price of the individual ebooks) or when I absolutely adore a cover and want it on my bookshelf to stare at and call it my precious.
I sometimes also buy a print version of an ebook I've read and absolutely adored just so I can have a copy of it on my shelf forever... Y'know, just in case we're plunged into the dark ages and there's no more electricity to run my devices.

Sometimes, I miss print books but mostly I'm glad I no longer have to work out what to do with a book once I've read it and don't have space to keep it. I'm glad I don't have to spend so much time dusting. I'm glad I no longer have to contort like a pretzel to support the weight of a book when reading. Plus, I can now read in bed with the lights off and my super clever device slowly lowers the background lighting on my device to let my eyes adjust to a minimal level so as not to give me eyestrain or 'bright-light' problems.

Although I'm an almost complete convert to ebooks, I don't believe it has to be one or the other. I believe the two can co-exist quite happily and in just using one medium over the other you're probably missing out.

What about you? Ebooks, print, or both?


  1. I use my e-reader to try free and cheap books and new authors but most of my collection is still paperback. I can't switch to e-books because if all my books are on it and it breaks, I can't pay for a new one at the moment! I love my paperback collection too much to switch!

    1. Yeah, breaking it is a fear... However, I've found my kindles to be remarkably sturdy, especially considering how much abuse mine endure!

  2. I have a Kindle Paperwhite and I do love it because you can get some great prices on e-books; I get most of my review books as e-books; I can read in the dark; and it's definitely hand to drag along with you! However, I'm always going to be a print book fan and I definitely read print books all the time too.


    1. I find print books really awkward to read now. I can only read them upright, on the sofa, with a leg bent propping it up, lol.

  3. I am having my 5th Kindle ( I am a clumsy one). I actually still cling to printed books, but mostly because I like a pretty cover. In reality, in my mind I am an e-book person.

    1. I do miss staring at the pretty covers. And there is something much more satisfying about closing a book when you finish rather than just putting your kindle down.

  4. Nice answer! And nice history! Yeah, space... I think that's all bookworms' problem :D Thanks for stopping by!

    1. One day, I'm determined to have a library/office space where I can cover the walls in book shelves once more... But until I win the lottery and make that happen, ebooks win. lol

  5. Both for me Nicci! I nearly abandoned print books till I began my IG account. Because I feel print books give better pictures! But I also think ebooks enabled many authors to be self published!

    1. Actual physical books do make it easier to take the IG pictures. I'm awful at the bookstagramming. It became more of a homage to my cat, lol.

  6. You embraced the new technology way before I did! I'm still on my first Kindle Fire.
    I still love print books, but for practical reasons, almost exclusively read ebooks these days

    1. I imagine carting a physical library around on your travels would be a bit cumbersome, lol.

  7. I wholly embrace both! I love my Kindle but I still love physical books just as much. It all depends on when/where I'm reading and what I'm in the mood for. I never feel like I have to choose one over the other or even that there's a great debate... I love having options. :)


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