At the end of a hard day, how do you get yourself psyched about writing a book review?
Simple answer this one: I don't.
At the end of a hard day, I can't psyche myself up to do anything blog related. Somedays, I can't even bring myself to read so I turn to something mindless on Netflix to lose myself in.
This is why I have so many issues now with blog tours, book blitzes and cover reveals and why the quantity featured on my blog has significantly dropped.
I've had it with promo materials being sent in the day before (which for me in the UK usually means the night before) and having to try and muster the energy to prep a post and get it scheduled to go live on time.
I used to bust my ass to meet the commitments before I came to the conclusion that the PR people I'd signed up with weren't always meeting what I felt was their commitment to their hosts (like sending stuff through in a timely fashion!) so I just started saying no.
If I'd signed up for something and the material wasn't sent through in a timely manner (aka at least a full day in advance) then I wasn't busting a gut to meet their deadlines.
After all, we're not paid to do this.
We do this because we want to share our love of books and to help support authors/stories we care about in a 'crowded' market.
We receive nothing for our participation except for personal satisfaction and the occasional thank you.
I'm the same for review books.
I've had them sent through the day before a review was due. On multiple occasions and I'm not joking.
This is just completely taking the mick out of those giving up their time to review so I drew the line there too.
I only sign up for reviews in moderation and if someone thinks they can give me any less than a week to review, it ain't happening.
Honestly, even a week can be a problem as I'm a mood reader and if the book doesn't fit the current mood, I have to force myself to read it... Which never ends well.
It's taken me a long time to realize that running my blog should be fun.
It should not be another source of stress.
If something makes running my blog a repeated stress then that thing needs to be eliminated from my blog.
I no longer care about doing what the 'cool kids' are doing.
I, maybe surprisingly, no longer feel bad about not signing up for more release blitzes, tours and arcs from both authors I love and authors just starting out, because I just don't have the time and sometimes you just have to prioritise yourself and your own well-being over the bookish juggernaut.
A lot of bloggers came to that same conclusion. Book blitzes and blog tours could be fine if they sent the material out a few days before we had to schedule the post, but they don't. I stopped doing them a long time ago and I didn't do all that many of them to begin with.
ReplyDeleteThere is only one company that actually sends things - ALWAYS - with decent time. So, I'll continue with them. The others? Nope. Not anymore, with very few exceptions.
DeleteTotally with you, Nicci. I don’t force *anything* blog-related. I do this for sheer enjoyment and forcing myself to do anything (write a review, write a post, etc) is hardly enjoyable. I write reviews when the mood strikes. And if it doesn’t... oh well, I’ll get to them eventually. :)
DeleteMy reading far outpaces my reviewing, which is a serious problem. I wrote two reviews yesterday, one today, and still have two to write -- these are the books I read this week. After my June ARCs are read, I will have a lot less, and reading non-review books gives me a chance to take a breath. Unlike you, blog tours are great motivators for me. I feel more obligated to read the book and write the review, when I make that commitment, and signing up for tours has helped me with my reading focus.
ReplyDeleteI'm lacking focus at the moment but I can't handle the stress of some tours... Too much of a mood reader maybe?
DeleteI'm never excited about writing book reviews! I like reading other people's and looking at them on my blog AFTER I write them but I hate writing them!
ReplyDeleteFor me, it totally depends on the book. If I loved or hated it, then the words flow easily and writing a book review is my way of relaxing. If it's an inbetweeny book and I have don't have much say though, I'll put it off until the last possible minute!!
ReplyDeleteLol, this is true! Strong feelings (good or bad) are always easier to articulate.
DeleteI try to write them as I am going through the book not wait till I finish it. I have forgotten things when I wait. Like you it's OK if I don't feel motivated to review the book. It happens and I have significantly dropped my content too. It's to much and I need my sanity. =)
High five for sanity! I'm lacking a lot of that at the moment...
DeleteI'm the same way. At the ends of a long day, I just sort of zone out. I either watch Youtube videos, putz around online, or watch something mindless on Netflix. My content has also taken a big decline since I no longer take part in all the tours, weekly memes, and I'm only really online to blog once a week. I want to be more active because I love this community, but from the time I started to now, my life has changed and I no longer have the time/energy I used to almost a decade ago.
ReplyDeleteIt is what it is and you can only do what you can. I'm a firm believer in your blog is your space so you make the rules to suit you. :)
DeleteWow, only a week to read/review a book? And a DAY to post blitzes, etc.? Yeah, I wouldn't do that either. That's way too stressful. And I'm not great at writing reviews - or any blog posts - if it's been a really long day, which is why I'm TRYING to do better with blogging ahead some.
One day, I'll crack consistently blogging ahead. I will....
DeleteI also can’t get myself motivated to blog after a hard day. I binge-blog and schedule posts whenever I can. That’s why I don’t review ARCs or sign up for blog tours. I can’t promise those posts will get done.
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I've dropped pretty much all of that now... :(
DeleteSame! I can only blog if I'm in the mood to. I can't make myself and therefore don't set any schedules or deadlines anymore.
ReplyDeleteI realized if I was going to continue with this it had to go back to being fun.
Karen @ For What It's Worth
Yep! I already have a FT job, I dont need another unpaid one, lol.
DeleteWow! I only do tours/reveals in moderation, but I haven't had any experiences with the info being sent so late. That would royally suck. I definitely need at least a few days to get something together! Like you said, blogging should be fun.
ReplyDeleteThe day before is so common with so many companies... It roasts my nuts!
DeleteI agree completely. If I don't do everything on my own terms, it feels like work, and I don't want my blog to be work.
ReplyDeleteExactly so!
DeleteI usually write my reviews the same day I finish a book, and it will likely post the next day, haha. I'm not organized enough, nor do I have the time, to schedule things weeks in advance. If I don't have time to read, my blog will have blank spaces. I just do it when I can! I do occasionally sign up for blitzes and blog tours, but only for books that I like or know I really want to read. There have been times that I've had to back out of a tour, because I never received anything to review.
ReplyDeleteLindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬
I've had that happen on a tour! Or I was sent the book they day before, like WTF?