Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Bookish Memes! #1

This week, I wanted to take part in some weekly memes but really struggled. 
I didn't have a 'full post' answer for any of the questions and I'm so backlogged in reviews it seemed silly to fill up multiple 'slots' with half-assed responses so I'm merging them all into one post and calling it good this week! 

Topic: Unpopular Bookish Opinions

Number One
I don't care if someone creases my book spines, folds page corners,  gets marks on pages or water wrinkles across the bottom... Books are made for reading and enjoying and where is the joy in hyperventilating about the condition of your book while reading it?
Find something else to worry about because there are far worse evils in the world.

Number Two
Old book smell is kinda gross.
Musty, dusty, mouldy, sneezy skeezy gross.

Number Three
Ebooks are better.

Question: Have you ever been called a "book nerd?" If so, how did you react?

Yep, I'm pretty sure I've been called some variation of that on numerous occasions throughout my existence... I don't see it as a bad thing and if the person calling me it thinks it's a bad thing then I question the mental faculties of the person in question.
Maybe they should read more... It might help them get a clue.



  1. Erk! I like my books to stay in great condition for as long as possible as I can't afford to keep replacing badly damaged ones! I never lend books to anyone as I hate it when they don't look after them! If I borrowed something I'd look after it so I expect others to do the same! Only my dad gets to touch my books.

    1. I always look after other peoples books... And my own but shit happens and I don't care enough to prevent it, I guess. My bag is the biggest book abusing culprit in the world!

  2. I try not to dog ear pages and I like physical books more than ebooks. lol

  3. I can agree with a lot of these. I try to treat books carefully but I take books to the beach, I use weird things as bookmarks, I eat while reading. I love ebooks for travel and I can read them faster. I just recycled a bunch of old yellow musty books - bye! They had teeny-tiny print too - can’t believe I ever read them!

    1. I hate teenie print! At least with the ereader you can enlarge it when the eyes get tired. :)

  4. I'm careful with my books bt I also don't care if the spines get cracked and dog ear them. I really wan tto break that last barrier and write in them! lol

    I always pass them on though so that would be rude.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I don't deliberately set out to crease one up but it kinda just happens... I go out, I take it with me and my bag commits assault. Then, I eat and read and I'm clumsy. It all gets worse from there...

  5. I shared two of your three opinions on my list. When I look at a beat up book, I think about how much it was loved by someone.

    1. You can spot my favourite books on my bookshelf a mile away...

  6. I love when you find a series you love so much, that you are dying to get your hands on the next book! I can't believe you read four books in under four days! That's awesome :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Total book bender... It was fun but it's been a while. I don't have the stamina for it like I used to! lol

  7. Yeah, I'm not a fan of old book smell either. I have various environmental allergies that make me sneeze and wheeze if certain types of mould, dust, etc. are present in a book.

    My TTT.

    1. Oh gosh! I can see why you'd really not like them.

  8. I definitely prefer ebooks! And some old books smell terrible.
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  9. I've heard great things about Annette Marie's books. I've always wanted to try them!

    1. I loved this series! I moved onto one of her earlier ones and while I enjoyed it, I didn't love it.

  10. I don't prefer e-books, but I don't mind them. Also, I've written in my books, bent them, etc. I don't really care about the condition of a book so much unless it's a really special edition or something. Like you said, books are meant to be read and enjoyed. It's not a relic. LOL

    I totally agree with you about Lupin. I love him.

    I don't know if I've been called a book nerd specifically, but yeah, the idea of being a bookworm, etc. doesn't bother me at all whether someone means it as an insult or not.


    1. I'm perpetually mystified that people DO consider it an insult... Plus, I've never met a bookish peeps who cares if they're considered bookish, lol, so it seems like the stupidest thing ever to throw at someone.

  11. The Annette Marie book looks so good! I need to read the earlier books in the series.

    Yay for Lupin!

    I love you unpopular bookish opinions. Old book smells... I'm not a fan. I definitely read more ebooks these days than print. There is something to be said for convenience. I do have a tendency to prefer to keep my newer books looking new as long as I can, however, it's nothing I am anal about. I write in and dogear my poetry books, and have been known to leave books face down to hold my place if I'm coming back to it soon.

    I don't mind being called a book nerd. I prefer book dragon. LOL seriously though, I embrace my bookishness. :-)

    1. They're awesome and available on KU if you have it?

      I embrace the bookishness too. I don't care what people want to call me... But that applies to more than just my fixation with books! lol

  12. Thanks for sharing your opinions - I really enjoyed them. I really need to start The Guild Codex series. They have such fun covers and titles!

    1. They're so much fun! I really recommend.

  13. Oooh! The Alchemist sounds interesting! Thanks for checking out my WoW!

  14. Replies
    1. Right? I have no idea why people love to go sniffing them.

  15. I'm not a big fan of the smell of old books either. I'm also glad to hear you're enjoying that Annette Marie series. She's an author I keep saying I want to try but haven't yet.

    1. I loved her Guild Codex books! Started one of her older series (Stone and Steel) and I've been less enamoured so my recommendation would be Guild Codex! :)

  16. See... how can you read a physical book and keep it pristine? I just don't get that!

    1. Me neither! You also can't take it anywhere either cause your bag (or my bag...) would totally scuff it up. Mind boggles.


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