Monday 1 July 2019

Reading Challenge Update - June

People! We are more than halfway through the year! How did this happen?! 
I mean I know how it happened but argh! I've so much left to do on these challenges! 
Thankfully, the dreaded reading slump hasn't hit again but jeez... I'm going to be planning Christmas before I come close to finishing some of these!

Anyway, June was a good reading month!
I read a total of 14 books bringing my total for the year to 55!
The good news is that I'm ahead in my Goodreads reading challenge. The bad news, I'm behind in most of my other reading/blogging challenges... But never mind!
I'm enjoying my books so that's what counts, right?


This year, I signed up for  4 reading challenges (not including the Goodreads Challenge) and 1 blogging challenge.

Details of them can be found in my 2019 Reading Challenge sign up post.

This month I have made progress as follows...

The Goal was to 10-12 books this year featuring royalty.

I read 1 'Royal' themed book last month, bringing my total to 3.

Shame it wasn't that great a read... My thoughts on the book are here.

My blog challenge... Each month a prompt is given and the goal is to write a blog post that fits it. 
I haven't written a single prompt.
Fail, fail, faily fail. Fail. 
With extra failure sprinkles.
Maybe I'll binge post them at some point...

My aim for this one was to read 10-15 books featuring bad boys... 
In June, I read 1 bringing my total to 2.

June's read...

This reading challenge is aimed at reading books published before 2019 and getting them off your backlist/TBR/wishlist...

For June I read 10 books from the backlist.

My target was revised up last month and is now 'Weekend Warrior' which is 5-10 books.

My total from June is now at 6.


How are your challenges going this year?



  1. I still can't believe it's July. The year has passed so quickly! I haven't read a ton this month, sadly, but I hope to start getting back into it soon. Good job on all the progress you're making for your challenges!

  2. It's crazy that it's July already. That's awesome you are ahead on your Goodreads challenge!!


  3. I can't really handle challenges. I read a ton but always just want to read whatever strikes my fancy right then. I made myself a bingo sheet for summer from books on my TBR, and I'm even having trouble with that. Just knowing I'm supposed to read a specific book makes me want to read something else instead!

    I think those faux-skydiving things sound like fun. I agree, I wouldn't jump out of an airplane, but to get the same feeling in a controlled environment would be amazing.

    1. I'm like that with challenges normally but I've been trying to use them this year to focus me and for the most part they do.

  4. I can't believe half the year is over already. I'm behind on my Goodreads challenge and some others as well. I started off with good intentions but reading slumps knocked me off schedule a bit. I'm back on track now so maybe I can still catch up. Good luck with rest of the year.

    1. I've had a couple of slumps this year but then got lucky with a couple of excellent book series that I couldn't stop myself from binge reading and that got me back on track.

  5. I didn't do any challenges this year, but maybe I should have done an audiobook one. :) Looks like you are doing great! Go get 'em! :)

    1. It's my first proper year of doing lots of challenges and I'm finding them (mostly) useful!

  6. Reading ten for the backlist challenge was good. I'm ahead on most of my challenges but WAY behind on my Goodreads Challenge by about 15. I might need to lower my target a bit to catch up!

  7. I can't believe we are already half way through the year! Seriously where does the time go!! It looks like you are doing really well on your reading challenges!!

    1. It's going fast, isn't it? Soon it'll be autumn... Not that I'm complaining. I love autumn.

  8. I only do the Goodreads challenge because I suck at challenges.

    I'm REALLY happy I set it low for this year because my move killed my reading and I'm just getting back into things.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  9. I'm awful with challenges. I have a hard time sticking with a schedule. LoL

    1. I use them to focus the reading but can't read to a schedule either. :)

  10. I've seen those prompts. I know you could write something great for us based on those. You are killing your backlist though. Nice. I am so proud that I read two shelf books this month, and there you are with 10.

  11. Have you read Royally Screwed by Emma Chase? I love that series! The audiobooks are fantastic, too. Sorry this one wasn't a better fit for you.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Also, I love all books related to Percy Jackson! I've been re-reading them to my son and falling in love with them all over again. Let's just not discuss the movies... ;)

    2. I love Rick Riordan so much! It's something I share with my son too.

      I have Royally Screwed by Emma Chase! I haven't read it yet but that series is one I want to tackle this year for my Royal reading challenge... Just waiting on the mood to strike.

  12. I think my challenges are going decent. The personal ones a little less haha, but hey 5,5 more months to go.

    1. Lol, I'm not doing so good with the personal challenges either! Reading is much easier. :)

  13. I am doing good in my challenges, but not enjoying most of the books, so I guess, you in a better position))))

    1. Oh no! It sucks that you're not enjoying what you're reading. :(


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