Friday 2 August 2019

July in Review & Reading Challenge Update!

It's August! OMG, it's August! Guys, we're going to be talking autumn in a month.
Halloween and then Christmas!
What the heck? Where has this year gone? I feel like I've achieved nothing, lol.

July was a mixed month for me mostly characterised by the mighty migraines but I did have a few personal high points such as my friend's wedding, my little dude attending the DanTDM live arena tour with his dad, and a few fun trips with the little dude to start his summer break from school.
We visited Longleat Adventure Park, Portchester Castle and Fort Nelson in the first week of his holiday and I'm looking forward to more mini-adventures throughout August before he returns to school!

July's reading total was 14 books read/re-read!
July was a strange reading month.
I wasn't in any kind of reading slump but I've basically ticked off nothing with regard to my challenges despite averaging > 3 books a week!
I did have 4 re-reads but everything else was new to me they just didn't fit into any of my challenges.
Ah well... In the coming months, I'll have to make a concentrated effort to work on my challenges!


This year, I signed up for  4 reading challenges (not including the Goodreads Challenge) and 1 blogging challenge.

Details of them can be found in my 2019 Reading Challenge sign up post.

This month I have made progress as follows...

The Goal was to 10-12 books this year featuring royalty.

I read 0 'Royal' themed books last month, so my total stays at 3.

(Although, I did read two UF where the love interest is the prince of a fae court so maybe they count?)

My blog challenge... Each month a prompt is given and the goal is to write a blog post that fits it. 
I haven't posted anything for any of the prompts.
Still a big fail. 
I have a few in draft now so that's progress!

My aim for this one was to read 10-15 books featuring bad boys... 
In July, I read 0 keeping the total at 2.

This reading challenge is aimed at reading books published before 2019 and getting them off your backlist/TBR/wishlist... This year, I'm hoping to read 60 books from the backlist.

For July I read 0 books from the backlist.
My total for the year remains at 36.

I was originally aiming for 5 audiobooks this year. Because I was beastin' it, I raised the total to 'Weekend Warrior' which is 5-10 books.

In July, I finished 0 audiobooks so my total stays at 6.


How are your challenges going this year?



  1. I finally got myself in gear and read one for the Royal Reading Challenge! I need to read another few to get close to finishing that challenge. I've heard that some essential oils are good for headaches but I don't know if they would work for migraines.

    1. I'll try anything at this point! I've even been told a certain kind of ear piercing is supposed to help so I'm contemplating that! Every little helps, lol.

  2. I can’t believe it’s August either, and I feel the same way. We are already seeing signs of Halloween and then Christmas will be up before Halloween is put away. I don’t stress myself with too many challenges anymore, I don’t need any added pressure. I just do the Audiobook Challenge and my Goodreads Challenge. That’s all I can handle. Best of luck to you on your challenges going forward.

  3. August is here already, hard to believe. I don't do any challenges but I have made a goal to read 100 books this year and right now I'm at 71.

    1. You'll smash 100 by the end of the year! You're doing great.

  4. I, for one, am very excited to see the days getting shorter, because it brings with it the promise of cooler weather. I hate summer. You read a lot of books even if you didn't make any challenge progress.

  5. I'm having a hard time believing it is Aug already. It's crazy. Good luck on your challenges! I just do a GR challenge every year. Happy reading!

    1. I usually just stick to goodreads but I decided to push it this year.

  6. Challenges are so hard for me to keep up! I even pick ones where I know I will read the books but I just can't ever work up the energy to link up or do a post with my progress. So you are doing so well to me just having this post. ❤️

    1. The linking up is somewhere I fall down a lot. I'm terrible at remembering to do that!

  7. 14 books in a month sounds awesome to me! And I say the Fae royalty totally counts toward your goal. :) Hope August brings more great reading... and no more migraines!

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking I should have counted it too, lol. Next month, I just might!

      Fingers crossed for no migraines! 3 days in and good so far, lol.

  8. Damn, it's August already?! Where did the time go?

    You're doing awesome on your challenge! If you need recs for royalty books and haven't read them yet I can wholeheartedly recommend Emma Chase's!

  9. Ha, I actually got so busy with work in January and February that I didn't have much time left to read and I've forgotten that I had joined reading challenges. Going to have to look them up! I do know I did choose read the backlist again. I really like that challenge!


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