Tuesday 6 August 2019

Review: Grave Memory by Kalayna Price (Alex Craft #3)

When the dead need to talk, Alex Craft is always ready to listen…

As a Grave Witch, Alex solves murders by raising the dead—an ability that comes at a cost, and after her last few cases, that cost is compounding. But her magic isn’t the only thing causing havoc in her life. While she’s always been on friendly terms with Death himself, things have recently become a whole lot more close and personal. Then there’s her sometime partner, agent Falin Andrews, who is under the glamour of the Winter Queen. To top everything off, her best friend has been forever changed by her time spent captive in Faerie.

But the personal takes a backseat to the professional when a mysterious suicide occurs in Nekros City and Alex is hired to investigate. The shade she raises has no memory of the days leading up to his brutal ending, so despite the very public apparent suicide, this is murder. But what kind of magic can overcome the human will to survive? And why does the shade lack the memory of his death? Searching for the answer might mean Alex won’t have a life to remember at all…


~ 373 pages

First person, single pov.

Yes, you need to read the other books to appreciate what's going on in this one.


Ugh. Officially no but I'd still say there is.
(And one of the guys is crap so it's annoying!)

Nothing is ever simple in the life of Alex Craft...

As a grave witch, she raises shades of the dead in order to answer questions and solve cases. Her business is picking up and she decides to take it to a new level by opening her own office with her friend - fae changeling and fellow grave witch - Rianna.
The central plot of this book focuses on a string of apparent suicides that aren't actually suicides.
Alex's investigation gets her, and her friends, into a whole new world of trouble that will have long-lasting repercussions throughout this series.

As a newly minted fae, Alex's abilities continue to grow and it's getting harder to avoid the machinations of Winter Queen who just so happens to hold the reigns of Alex's former lover Falin (who is the Winter Knight).
The Winter Queen is a complete and utter bitch.
She will stop at nothing it seems to gain the plane weaver for her court and that includes dangling her Knight like bait and magically forcing him to obey commands that could destroy any chance he could have at happiness. She cares nothing about anybody but herself, her subjects included, and I really really hope we see Alex stick her with the pointy end of her dagger before the series is out.

The reduced presence of Falin effectively means that the quasi love-triangle between Alex, Falin and Death swings in the direction of Death and that is another reason I want to stick the Winter Queen with a dagger! Sure, we get to dive a little deeper into the world of the soul collectors (who are interesting), and Death makes a huge decision in order to save Alex, but you still know nothing about him!
Where did he come from? How did he become a soul collector? What's his actual name?!
He's seriously one of the least developed characters I've ever had the misfortune to be expected to care about. He is one of the most frustrating things about this series!
Plus, despite the life-changing implications of their (Alex and Death's) actions, I still don't feel any chemistry or emotion between them!
Death appears and I'm like, "Oh, you again." Falin appears and I'm riveted.
It's that simple to me, Falin is where the development and emotional investment has gone so obviously Falin is end game so why continue with the ridiculous charade with Death?!
It makes me want to scream!
Just put him in the semi-interesting side character box already and be done with him! Argh!

Thankfully, despite the amount of ranting I do on the subject, the romance level of the book is fairly low and the majority of it is focused around Alex's case.
I love how each book in this series adds a new dimension (literally) to the world and I love the direction the series seems to be heading. Alex's powers are growing, her posse is getting drawn into the chaos, there are so many directions the series can go and I'm excited for more!

Price has created a fantastic UF world and if you love UF and the Fae then I highly recommend you give it a try!

Fits with the feel of the books and fits the description of Alex so I like it.


“It said something about my life when a heavily armed official accused me of causing magical havoc and I had to wonder which incident she meant.”


“You can't disbelieve the truth away. You can cover the truth, you can create something new, but either way, you have to believe what you are creating.”




  1. This is for sure added to my TBR, thanks for sharing!

    Lotte | www.lottelauv.blogspot.co.uk

  2. This sounds like such a fun series! Too bad Price had to go the love triangle route, though. Especially when you know next to nothing about one character. How are supposed to be invested if you don’t know anything about the character?!

    1. Right?! It's OBVIOUS she's not going to end up with Death so I don't understand why she's pushing it. It's the only thing that drives me nuts about this series.

  3. I've thought about starting this series but haven't yet.

    1. I really enjoyed them but from goodreads they can be a mix.

  4. This sounds like a fun series to read. Hopefully Death takes a backseat soon. Sounds like he's not a good fit for the heroine.

    1. He needs to go away. He bores me terribly!

  5. Oh I really like this series

    1. Me too! I wonder how long until the final book releases?


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