Thursday 15 August 2019

Review: Wild Like The Wind by Kristen Ashley (Chaos Series #5)

The penultimate Chaos book!

The brother known as Hound has a reputation. He’s all about cracking heads, having a good time, and when the Chaos Motorcycle Club needs someone to do the tough job, they call on him.

But Hound has a secret. He fell in love with a woman years ago. She’s untouchable. Unattainable. And even when her status changes, for Hound, it remains the same.

Keely Black had it all early and lost it all not long after. Thrown into an abyss of loss and grief, she’s faced a life of raising two sons alone and battling the rage at all that had been ripped from them.

And why.

Words spoken in anger open Hound’s and Keely’s eyes. For Hound, he sees he’s wasted his life loving the wrong woman. Keely sees she’s wasting her life not opening herself to the love of a good man.


~ 438 pages

First-person, alternating pov.
(Which is odd for a Kristen Ashley! I think I've only ever read her from a single - female - pov before...)

Erm. Possibly? Probably?

Not really. You can read this as a standalone.
I think it would diminish your enjoyment a fair amount but you'd be able to follow the events of the book just fine.

Nope but the plot thickens to an explosive point for the final book in the series.
(Rush's book.)



No. Not even with the ghost of the ex-husband.
Keeley has moved on and healed as much as she ever will. It was everyone else - including Hound - that kept putting Black between them.

Yes actually. This was the grittiest of the Chaos books to date.
That said, it wasn't a dominating feature.

This book was far from perfect but somehow it struck a chord in me that makes it impossible to focus on the bad for I'm just overwhelmed by all the lovely.

That said, I'm going to list the bad because it needs to be stated:

Keeley is crude, abrasive and hard to like sometimes.

Hound is... Fantastic until he does a really shit thing while grieving for a friend and feeling used by Keeley and it was hard to reconcile it with the man he came across as... i.e the man who would do anything for this woman and her boys. The protective sweet man. It just made no sense he'd treat Keeley like that no matter how pissed off or distraught he was.

There was too much sex.
It's pretty hard to overload me with the smut in books but... Good god in heaven! This book had so much sex that I couldn't take anymore and it just kept coming! (No pun intended.) If it was adding anything but pages to the story, that would be one thing, but it kinda wasn't and if I had to 'hear' Keeley call Hound fucking daddy one more time (when she's a 40-yo woman and he's younger than her!) I would have rammed a needle into my eye!
 KA would have been better putting those words towards building the relationship or just trimming them out and streamlining the entire book... But, moving on.

This is the penultimate Chaos book.
It's the book where everything that's been building throughout the series came to boiling point and you know that in Rush's book (the final book) it's going to explode and be one hell of a ride before Chao's can ride free.

As I mentioned above, I adored Hound. He has done the dirtiest work for his club, to avenge his fallen brother - Keeley's husband Black. He has looked after Keeley, been a father figure for her boys and he's done it all from afar, expecting nothing, because he loves her and he loved his club brother and he is just straight up decent like that.
However, Hound doesn't see that goodness in himself. He doesn't see his worth. He's flawed, he makes mistakes, he's so far from perfect but I loved him.
I loved it when Keeley came to her senses and went after her man and fought for him.
I loved that Keeley and Black's boys loved Hound and fought for him.
I loved how the younger Chaos guys were determined to let Hound live happy with Keeley even when the older club brothers - who knew Black - were right raging dickheads about it.

If you're a fan of the series, it's not one you can skip. If you're new to the series, it's not the one to start on.
The book was one hell of a ride and a lot of people may not like it but I'm not one of them.
Hound stole a piece of my heart and will forever be one of my favourite Chaos brothers even though his book is not one of my favourite Chao's books.



  1. I like the sounds of this and Hound too. Great review.

    1. I love this series! Sad it's coming to an end. :(

  2. I loved this story and Hound was such a great character. I fell in love with the way he was always there for Keeley and her boys. Great Review Nicci :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one who loved Hound!

  3. Yay for books that you can't help but love even knowing its flaws. I am glad you enjoyed this one, Nicci. Hound sounds like a great character!

    1. Hound was awesome which was a big surprise!

  4. Kristen Ashley is one of those authors that I always mean to try but it just hasn’t happened yet. I’m glad this was such a good read despite some issues that drove you crazy! :)


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