Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Changes in My Reading Life and Books That Make Me Happy

I love participating in weekly bookish memes, answering questions and making lists, but sometimes the answers are not enough to make a decent post... On their own!
So, on those weeks, I'll be combining rather than skipping!

Changes In My Reading Life

Number One

Once upon a time, I'd buy a book, read the book and when I'd finished I'd go to the bookshop and buy another one (or to the library to borrow one). Rinse and repeat.
Hahahahahaha! Give me the books! Give me all the books and I'll read them... Eventually.

Number Two

Once upon a time, every book I read was on paper. Even when I had my first ereader I preferred paper because the old Sony ereaders where a pain in the ass to buy and load books onto.
Then came the kindle and it was bye bye paper books.
Well... Almost. I'd guesstimate that about 5% of my reading is actual physical books nowadays everything else is digital.

Number Three

Once upon a time, my reading rate was one book a day.
If it was particularly chunky, it might have taken me two.
I typically finish two or three books a week.
There are just too many competing demands on my time nowadays to read at a rate of one a day although if I'm particularly motivated, I can still do it. The time is there, it just means that lots of other things get neglected and I end up overwhelmed.

Number Four

Once upon a time, I used to make reading lists and stick to them.
Yeah, not so much.
Putting a book on a list is an almost surefire way of me NOT reading it.

Number Five

This is linked to number four... Once upon a time, I was not a mood reader.
I made a list of the books I had, I chose a book off the list, I read it and I moved onto the next one.
I rarely hit a reading slump.
There are so many books I want to read that I can spend days debating what to read next with my mood swinging like a pendulum so it ends up that I've gone days - sometimes weeks - and I've read nothing. Just, thought about reading. A lot.

So, that's my biggest changes!
What is your biggest reading change?

Name one book that makes you feel thankful and happy.

I don't have a single book that makes me feel thankful or happy. 
I'm thankful that I can read.
 I'm thankful that I grew up with, and continue to have access to, books. 
I'm thankful that access to books has never been restricted and I'm grateful that I've been able to foster a love of books in my son. 
Books, in all forms, make me feel extremely happy. 

What about you?


  1. "Putting a book on a list is an almost surefire way of me NOT reading it." - this is so me as well, yet I keep extending my lists and would be bereft without them!!

  2. Heh, I collect books faster than I can read them, too.

    My TTT.

  3. Nice to see how you've changed and grown in your reading habits. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/

  4. Yep. Been there... I have a crazily HUGE TBR which is aggravated by Himself also being a book addict and super-reader. So I have archived the lot, except for an ongoing list of 150 books. And it makes all of it easier to cope with:)

    1. I'm thinking of having a major cull of the TBR in the new year. It needs to be done!

  5. I would always stop at the library on my way home from school (my high school was across the street from the library), and I would grab a book to read. Usually a contemporary romance from the paperback rounder. Though, I am still reading contemporary romances, I no longer read many physical books. Like you, more ebooks, as well as many books waiting to be read.

  6. I love your "once upon a time" format for this week's TTT and I'm right there with you on number 1. Give me all the books!

    1. I wish I could hit pause on time sometimes just to read more of them!

  7. I like your answer to the happy and thankful and I pretty much agree. I should maybe thank JK Rowling coz if I hadn't read Harry Potter I might not have got back into reading after years without books! I've been a give me all the book now kind of person for a while! Now I'm trying to control the inner book beast and reduce the impulse buys!

    1. Harry Potter led a lot of people to books... Either back to them or to them for the first time. My mum included!

  8. Booooks :D
    I can't seem to fall for ebooks, but audio, wow, print is rare for me these days.

    Gimme all the books

    1. I'm slowly falling more and more in love with audiobooks after hating them for a long time!

  9. Oh gosh, yes, blogging means way more books that I have to find time to read. LOL It's okay though.


  10. OMG yes to al of this! And add to it thatonce upon a time I never wrote reviews, nor listened to audiobooks, nor took pictures of my books LOL

    1. Also true! Once upon a time it was just a case of reading them! lol

  11. My reading habits and preferences have changed so much over the years, too! I resisted e-books and now I groan if I have to read a physical copy because my eyes really complain. My eyesight isn't what it used to be, and it's big eye strain even with my readers to read a physical copy unless I read with more powerful glasses. :)

    1. I don't have to worry about paper arcs, I never get any! :)

  12. I was never able to read a book per day. I wish I could read that fast but...
    3 books per week is good progression in my case.
    Ohh, I also used to read a book I bought, and then purchase another one to read after that, on and on and on, when now I have more books then I could read in a year, and it's still not enough!

  13. I’m thankful for books, too! Also, I never had a TBR shelf until I started blogging. I’d read a book as soon as I got it, and I’d get another book when I finished it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  14. We all go through some changes here and there. I don´t worry about it. As long as I am still able to read a book, no matter how long it takes me to finish it, I am happy.

  15. SO many of these are so relatable. Ah. BUT, I'm going to say that I definitely cackled at "GIVE ME ALL THE BOOKS. I'll read them eventually." BECAUSE SAME. I mean, same. I connect to this statement and my TBR pile is GLARING at me. Which is totally fine it's fine we're FINE. (Hahaha.)

    1. All is FINE! Nothing to see here... Keep moving.


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