Monday 27 April 2020

The #StayAtHome Diaries Tag!

Since we're still locked down here in the UK, I thought I'd jump in and post this fun book tag created by Karen at For What It's Worth.

It's a nice and simple one answering ten questions and everyone can join in so if you want to post, consider yourself tagged!

Last Thing You Googled?
How to make french toast. The kid wanted to try it!

Last Book You Read?
How To Survive an Undead Honeymoon by Hailey Edwards.

Last Movie You Watched?
Alice Through The Looking Glass on Disney Plus. 

Last Thing You Did Before Socially Isolating?
I went to work! I was in office all day on Monday and that evening the government announced that lockdown would begin. That was my last day in the office for over a month now... How strange.

What Is Your Quarantine Personality? Couch Potato or Over-Achiever?
Couch Potato! Couch potato all the way.
There has been a lot of movies, a little TV and some reading since lockdown and not a lot of much else.

Average Number of Hours You Sleep At Night?
Between six and eight usually. 

Last Thing You Ordered Online?
Some shorts and pyjamas for my son. 

First Thing You'll Do When This Is Over?
I want to go to a shopping centre and browse and eat lunch at the food court. It's so mundane and everyday and I miss it... The little dude wants to go to a theme park and the professor has no clue.

If You Could Choose - Who Would Be Your Ideal Quarantine Companion?
I'm quarantined with him! Bit sappy but it's true. 

What Are You Most Grateful For?
I'm grateful that my family and friends are so far safe from the virus and I'm grateful that our jobs are secure. 



  1. Aww. It's sappy but sweet that your husband is your ideal quarantine partner. I actually made french toast for the first time in a really long time during quarantine. Usually I eat a protein bar, yogurt, or hard boiled egg on the train, but I am trash for breakfast foods.

    1. I'm like that when working! Cereal bars, yogurt and bananas are my go but now we're at home I have time to actually make stuff that we'd usually only have at weekends during the week! Probably another reason why we've put on a few pounds... Except the kid. I have no idea where he puts it all!

  2. My husband and I are doing really well together during this so he would be my pick too - but I still wouldn't mind someone who could bake lol

    I have days where I do nothing, even reading and tv watching are too much but then other days I accomplish more. I guess it's to be expected since this is months long.

    Thanks for joining in!!!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I'm the baker in our arrangement. I'm going to need to ask my husband if I'm his ideal quarantine partner at some point, lol. He might be mine but I think his answer could be different. ;)

  3. I need to do this tag! I'm glad you're quarantining with your ideal person. That's a plus! :) I'm ready to do mundane things too like eating AT a restaurant, and seeing my nieces and nephew, and seeing a movie!


    1. All those things! I miss movies... Watching at home is not the same.

  4. Um, I'm totally craving French toast now. That sounds sooo good right now. (It doesn't help that it's dinnertime.) Coach potatoes unite! I see all these people online talking about all that they're accomplishing while at home and I just think "how nice for you." LOL

    1. I don't know where they find the energy! Maybe in the first week or two but after that? They are not my people.

  5. These are fun to read. I'm so with you - I miss the mundane. I want to just go to the store, grab a bite with friends, go to work. We'll get there. Have a great week!

    1. We will definitely get there! Eventually. :)

  6. We are all couch potatoes united in slothdom at the moment! I had fun doing this one too. I'm looking forward to not having a near panic attack at the thought of going to the shops!!!

    1. Outdoor related panic attacks are all too real... It will be nice not feeling like a criminal when I go outside.


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