Thursday, 4 February 2021

Top 10 New (To Me) Authors of 2020!

Okay, okay, confession time... I had this post almost ready for joining Top Ten Tuesday on the 26th Jan but I flaked on all things blogging again (not a surprise at the moment) and it sat waiting in draft on two pictures never to see the light of day... But rather than waste a post - when I've got nothing else going on at the moment - I decided to just post it. It's valid. It's just a little bit late to link up... So, I won't. 😆

In 2020, I read about 25 new-to-me authors but narrowing them down to the top ten was surprisingly easy. Those listed are authors that super impressed me. Some of them, I only read one book but with others I binge-read loads... That said, don't ask me to put my top ten in any kind of order because that would break my brain.

In no particular order, my top ten list of new-to-me authors for 2020 are:
Kelly Jamieson

Jenny Bayliss

Deborah Wilde

Beth O'Leary

Hailey Edwards

Emma Scott

Madeline Miller

Tessa Dare

Jennifer Estep

Helen Hoang



  1. Madeline Miller was new-to-me as well in 2020! And girl, you need to go back and read ALL the Jennifer Estep books! Lol. She is one of my favorite authors! Highly recommend Elemental Assassin and Mythos Academy if you have not read them yet. But really, I love pretty much all her books!

  2. Bayliss was new to me too, and I will definitely read more from her. That book was something special

  3. You found some good ones. I've read Hailey Edwards, Helen Hoang, Deborah Wilde, Emma Scott, and Jennifer Estep. I have the Bayliss one on hold at the library.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I've totally lost the time and motivation for blogging at the moment. I seem to have too much shit to get done and Blogger playing up makes it easy to tell the blog where to go some days!

  5. Great to see you're blogging again! I think we all have fallen into our routines since the pandemic. Stay safe and have a great week!

  6. Glad you decided to go ahead and share the post! I love Emma Scott and I'm glad I still have several by her to read. And I've enjoyed the two I've read from Helen Hoang. Jamieson is one that I've been meaning to read.

  7. Love Tessa Dare and Helen Hoang! Jamieson is a new-to-me-author I tried this year, too.


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