Wednesday, 5 July 2023

The Modern Girl's Guide To Magic by Linsey Hall

So here’s the deal—I’m a magical disaster. A witch from a family of witches, and the only one whose magic blows up in her face. Which is why I came up with my rules… 1. Never get involved with magic 2. If you must, do not enter a competition to win the biggest magical fortune in England 3. And definitely don't fall for Callan Hawthorne, the sexy billionaire mage who you've hated for years So how the heck do I end up in a situation that promises to break all those rules? It's the only way to save Seaside Spells, my family’s magical potion shop. But it’s cool. When I go back home to Charming Cove—a village of ancient pubs and foul-mouthed familiars—I will totally ignore Witch Weekly’s Sexiest Man of the Year. I’ll win the competition, and if I’m lucky, I won’t turn myself into a toad in the process. This'll be fine. It’ll all be fine. Riiiight.

The Modern Girl’s Guide to Magic is a fun, light romantic comedy full of laughter, love, and magical hijinks. It’s the first in a series of stand alone romances set in the seaside village of Charming Cove.

OMG, guys! This book was absolutely delightful!!

It has humour, family/found family, romance and magical shenanigans!
It was so easy to read that I barely noticed time passing and before I knew it I was done!

It was a perfect, feel-good, cosy book.
It's not complicated and it's not deep. It lacks drama and there are no surprises. It was so soothing!

I'm a little disappointed that future books won't be about Aria and Callan but I look forward to reading more about the people of Charming Cove! Plus, I'm sure Aria and Callan will feature so we'll get an update.

If you're looking for a heart warming read with a sprinkle of magic then look no further!


  1. Sounds adorable! I'm glad you are finding so many good reads :-)

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  2. Well, you convinced me to add it to my KU TBR. Sounds delightful!

  3. Sometimes uncomplicated and light is exactly what you need. This one sounds utterly charming and I hope the next book gives you more of the same! :)


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