Friday 9 June 2017

Review: Winter Kisses by Addison Moore

Ryder Capwell crushed her heart. When Laney is auctioned off as a prize at the drama department fundraiser the last person she expects to trade cold hard cash for her company is Ryder.

Laney Sawyer used to believe in love and all of the trappings that happily ever after could provide until Ryder Capwell is in love with Laney Sawyer. One year ago she walked out of his life and took the light of his world right along with her. Ryder would do anything to have another chance with Laney, including purchasing her for the evening courtesy of Whitney Briggs University, and he does just that.One thing leads to whiskey, which leads to a one-night stand. She thinks it's revenge sex--he thinks its make-up sex. Things can only go wrong from here. 



Dual pov, first-person.

No. It is book two of a series but you don't need to have read book 1 to read and enjoy this one.


What I Liked: 
It was a nice quick read with minimal drama.

What I Didn't Like: 
The story had a lot of potential but it was rushed, everything felt a little bit forced, and the characters had very little depth to them. 

The sex scenes were steamy but I found the authors constant innuendo, and turn of phrase, annoying.

Other Thoughts:
I think the author is talented but I'm not sure the writing style is for me. 



  1. Novellas are tough because you have such a limited amount of space when trying to tell your story, so they usually feel rushed. At least it was a fun, quick read!

  2. I think this sounds pretty interesting! Dropping in from #GetSocial17

  3. Ahhh I have this one on my kindle. It looked good. Novellas are so dang tricky with the rushed feel. And sometimes like you said...just not the style for you. On to the next! :D

  4. I know I have some of hers so maybe I have this one

  5. Oh that's too bad. Novellas can be a hit or miss with me, usually I'll only pick up a novella if it's from an author I trust. I hate that frustration you feel when the novella just feels like an incomplete story.


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