Friday 14 July 2017

Book Blogger Hop: What is your go-to drink and/or snack while reading?

What is your go-to drink and/or snack while reading?

My answer to this is simple: Tea.

Tea is always the drink of choice when I'm reading. I make a cup before I sit down to read and I make a cup when I pause for a break. This means I can be making a cup of tea every hour or so, or it can mean I don't drink anything for four hours because I'm engrossed... Although sometimes my other half takes pity on me and makes me a nice cup of tea while I'm in the middle of a reading binge.

Luckily, I don't tend to snack while reading. If I'm going to eat while reading I take a break and actually eat something proper, like dinner or lunch, I don't absent mindedly pick nor am I a grazer. 

Sadly, the same cannot be said for when I'm on my computer. When I'm on my computer, I munch on anything but my food of choice is jelly sweets like Haribo or Wine Gums. *sigh*


Whats your drink / food of choice while reading? 



  1. Chocolate raisins. Not just for reading but for all snacking occasions. I delude myself that they're healthy.

    1. Nothing wrong with a chocolate raisin! It's more fruit than chocolate after all.

  2. I love my tea too. you, I eat more when I am on the computer. :)

    Nice to see you on the HOP this week.

    Have a great day!!

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. I'm boring and go for the water and try to avoid the snacks...

    1. I probably could do with drinking more water. 🙂 Thanks for commenting.

  4. I'm a tea drinker too. The combination of a good book and strong cup of tea is very relaxing to me.

  5. I'm not an eater when I read either. I'm too worried about getting food on the book. The only time I can sort of eat and read is when I'm on my ereader but having to pay attention to your food and make sure you don't dump it on yourself takes me out of the story. LoL

    1. Yeah, I just dont have the dexterity to juggle a book and eat at the same time... I could manage with my ereader but it's not something I do often.

  6. I am totally guilty of snacking whilst reading. A hot drink always puts me in the mood to pick up a book!

    1. Yeah, having a nice cold drink isn't the same. Unless you're sitting beside a pool or something.

  7. Tea is awesome. But no milk, no sugar. And it should taste yummy

    1. It all depends on the tea.
      Herb / fruit tea I drink as is (no milk should go without saying), I don't even sweeten.
      Earl Gray I take with sugar but no milk. Assam I drink like my usual 'black' tea / English Breakfast, (a little milk and no sugar).
      Redbush is evil and should never be drunk in any form.
      Green tea I drink as is but it needs to be a blended version as 'plain' green tea is blah... I could go on but I'll stop! 🤣

  8. I'm the same way on the computer! It's a terrible habit but one I can't seem to quit! I love my tea when I'm reading though I'm more of a green tea fan!

    1. I struggle with green tea, although I've found a nice green tea and orange one that's good.
      Thanks for commenting!

  9. I don't usually eat when I read, but I love sipping my coffee as I read.

    1. I honestly think eating gets in the way... Thanks for commenting.

  10. Replies
    1. I'm also a Brit. I think a love of tea is pre-programmed into the genes.

  11. I don't do much snacking/drinking while I eat. I do love a cup of tea, though :)

  12. In the south it's all about iced tea - sweeeet tea. I've never really drank it any other way, but lately I've been making a cup of peppermint tea to soothe nausea. After adding some sugar, I find I really like it! I'm not a grazer or snacker, either, and I'm awful about eating at my computer.


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