Tuesday 25 July 2017

Review Dear Aaron by Marianna Zapata

Ruby Santos knew exactly what she was getting herself into when she signed up to write a soldier overseas.
The guidelines were simple: one letter or email a week for the length of his or her deployment. Care packages were optional.
Been there, done that. She thought she knew what to expect.
What she didn’t count on was falling in love with the guy.


Full length novel.

First person.


What I Liked: 
I liked the way this book was written. 
The first 50% of the book is written as emails and in the format of a messenger app. 
It was unusual but brilliant. 
It made the book feel a little awkward at first, which perfectly captures the feeling of getting to know someone who you’ve never spoken to, have no idea what they look like, and know absolutely nothing about. 
The format meant you got to experience the relationship unfolding without anyone telling you what anyone was thinking or feeling. 
The pages flew by so quickly, and magic happened. 
You begin to feel like you know these people. 
Like they are friends. 
You learn to read between the lines of their conversation. 
You begin to feel things. 
It is addictive. 
Then, bam! ‘Normal’ first person takes over and you really get inside Ruby’s head and what do you know her thoughts and feelings are perfectly in line with yours. 
You meet Aaron and he’s everything. 
You are so freaking happy for them, because you were taken along with them on their journey rather than just reading it and it’s freakin’ beautiful! 
I’m not kidding when I say that I fell in love with a fictional character here. I really feel like I did. 
The book hangover from this beauty was horrendous.

What I Didn't Like: 
It was too short and that is a laughable statement because Dear Aaron isn’t a short book but I just didn’t want it to end! I wanted MORE! I hated the fact that it ended. Even the awesome epilogue which gave me a glimpse into the happy future of the couple couldn't satisfy me. Yes, it made me happy but imagining it all wasn't enough! I wanted to 'see' it! I wanted to feel it. I needed more. I feel like I’ve been robbed of something important, which is ridiculous but a testament to the awesome writing of this author.

Other Thoughts:
Slow burning romantic perfection… That’s what this book was. Bloody perfection. I loved it. 

“Sergeant Major to a young soldier: “I didn’t see you at camouflage training this morning, soldier.” 
Soldier: “Thank you very much, sir.” 


“What was love if it wasn’t just a single word people used to try and describe something that wasn’t easily explained or grown in one action or declaration?


1 comment

  1. Oh I loved this book too! Top read for 2017 for sure. 🤗


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