Wednesday 6 September 2017

Review: Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews (Kate Daniels World)

Shapeshifting tigress Dali Harimau may be a powerful healer and magic user, but she’s far from what might be called “normal”. She dislikes the violence and bloodshed that are a way of life for most of her kind, even going so far as to become a vegetarian. The last thing she wants is trouble...

Jim Shrapshire is an original, hardcore badass. A jaguar shifter, he’s been tasked with keeping Atlanta’s Cat Clan in line, which he does with swift and lethal force when necessary. His only soft spot is for the petite Dali, whose kindness he calls upon when he is injured.

When Dali is approached by a desperate woman whose grandmother has vanished, Jim is concerned enough to help investigate. But what they find may just be the end of them—an enemy whose skill in the dark arts is matched only by their willingness to kill anyone in their way...



First person.




What I Liked: 
Jim and Dali. Dali and Jim... I like them as individuals but I absolutely love them together! They're adorable. 

I love how Dali has realistic insecurities about being with Jim (seeing as he is an Alpha) and I love how Jim has considered them himself (he wouldn't be Jim if he hadn't) and see's it all from a difference perspective. Jim sees Dali better than she sees herself, he understands her and does everything he can to get his girl.

The novella was nicely paced and the story well balanced between moving Jim and Dali's relationship along and a little mystery to solve which resulted in the usual madness of an investigation in the Kate Daniels world!

What I Didn't Like: 
It was too short. I could read about the characters in this world all day and still want more so eighty-something pages just doesn't cut it.

Other Thoughts:
I love reading novellas but more often than not they leave me disappointed as the story is weak, or the characters are weak, or everything feels rushed but that's rarely the case with Ilona Andrews novella. Magic Steals was, for me, another perfect example of a novella written right but that could be because I'm a Kate Daniels fan, and have read the others in the series, so felt right at home with the characters and the world... I don't know if someone new to the series would feel the same.

“What's the deal with you?" Jim asked.
"I have three sisters," Jim reminded me. "I know what nothing means.” 


“At first he didn't want to tell us, and then Jim asked him if he was left- or right-handed. The bodyguard asked why and Jim told him that he would break the other arm first, because he wasn't a complete bastard.”


"Don't say anything up front," I murmured. "We can just let them sort of come to terms with it..."
"Dali, this is my mother," Jim said. "Mom, this is Dali. She's my mate."



1 comment

  1. Jim and Dali! I love them. I wish they'd gotten a full length novel. :(


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