Tuesday 17 April 2018

Blog Tour & Review: Chaser by Kylie Scott

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my stop on the blog tour for Kylie Scott's Chaser! 
I've loved this author for a while and was so freakin' excited to get an ARC as part of this tour and the book did not disappoint! 

Read on to know more... 

Given his well-earned bad boy reputation, Eric is having a tough time scoring.. When single Jean moves to town, she seems heaven sent by the sex gods. Only problem is, she not only wants nothing to do with him, but it turns out that she’s pregnant.
Starting over in a small town, Jean is determined to turn her wild lifestyle around and be the kind of mother she always wished she’d had. Since local bar owner and all round hottie, Eric Collins, is now determined to steer clear of her pregnant self, it should be easy. When she goes into labour during a snow storm and her car slides on some ice, it’s Eric who comes to the rescue.
There seems to be a bond between them now, but is it enough? And can Eric give up his manwhore ways to be the man Jean needs?

*ARC provided as part of the blog tour* 


Full-length novel.

First person.
Interestingly it was solely from the male pov!


It's book 3 in a series of interconnected standalones but you can read it just fine without having read any of the others.






Kylie Scott books are always funny, flirty and sweet with just the right amount of angst to keep things interesting and Chaser was no exception! 
It was an awesome, light, sweet, funny read that kept me turning the pages and smiling.
There was even a cameo slot with the Stage Dive guys - and gals - so I was extra smiley!

I really liked reading about Eric's evolution from flighty manwhore to dependable and steady and thought that Jean and her daughter were a perfect fit for the man he becomes. However, I really didn't like one of the main supporting characters - aka Nell - for she was a right raging bitch and never cut Eric any kind of slack. I know their history is heartbreaking but there was just no need to be so frigging nasty and it got on my nerves to the point it impinged on the happy reading and spoiled the book, just a little bit, for me.
Beyond that, it was great fun and I really hope to see a little something featuring Andre in the future!

I like it. 
It's sexy, grungey and ticks my boxes... Although, I'm not 100% sure it's Eric. 

Kylie is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She was voted Australian Romance Writer of the year, 2013 & 2014, by the Australian Romance Writer’s Association and her books have been translated into eleven different languages. She is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet. You can learn more about Kylie from http://www.kylie-scott.com/ 



  1. Oh I like the sound of this one! Nothing like a reformed manwhore. :) And I love that it’s from the male POV. That’s pretty unique and I always enjoy being privy to the guy’s thoughts. I plan on continuing the Stage Dive series but I’ll definitely get to this one eventually.

    1. Enjoy working your way through them all Tanya!

  2. The cover was the first thing that I noticed and I liked. This sounds good though.


    Just reading that got me really interested! And my! I can't be happy enough that you enjoyed it. Need to have it in my list!

    Vanessa @ Blushing Geek

    1. There are a lot of random Eric-isms in this book that had me laughing out loud. :)

  4. I've been wanting to read this series for a while now. I'm intrigued that the story is all his POV. I'm a little bummed to read that Nell wasn't willing to let the past be the past and wouldn't let things go. I just finished a book like that yesterday where she judged the hero throughout the entire book, and the guy was actually pretty awesome. However, she was the heroine to the story, so kinda different. I like the sound of this one and I can't wait to dive into this series.

  5. I'm for sure going to try this series sometime this year!!


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