Friday 29 June 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Do you have an Instagram account? If so, do you only follow book folks?

Do you have an Instagram account?  If so, do you only follow book folks?

Yes, I have an Instagram account.
I set it up with the intention of creating a 'bookstagram' to compliment my book blog but it didn't work out that way. 

I love taking pictures but I'm not the type who will spend hours playing with my bookshelves to make them look pretty (honestly, they're a bit of a dusty disgrace!) or the type to collect bookish memorabilia that could be used to make beautiful pictures... In the end, I just decided not to even try.
I do share bookish things on my Instagram but it's not the sole focus of my Instagram. 
I like to post lots of cat pictures.
I also post random pictures of places and things I find interesting.

As for who I follow, I follow authors I like, bloggers I like, people I find interesting and bookstagrammers who post all the pretty book spreads. 

Ultimately, I'm just not a big fan of Instagram. 
I'm a simple creature and I haven't spent anywhere near enough time working out how it works and how to get the best out of it. 


  1. Oh I'm terrible at all the pretty book pictures too! I do love a good cat photo! I like Instagram in batches. I go for stretches where I check in everyday and then I completely forget it exists!

  2. I have an instagram account that my daughter made for me. But since I don't have a cell phone, the only thing I can do on it is follow people. lol

    1. No phone? This sounds blissful... But also, it doesn't compute in my brain, lol.

  3. I like instagram but I follow mostly animal rescue groups (with tons of cute kitten pics! lol) and animals with a few bookish people. I like variety.

    As for myself, I post whatever. For my book pics, if it takes more than 5 minutes, I don't bother lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I like your instagram Karen! Your ginger mog is gorgeous as are the shelties. :)

  4. I do my best to coordinate my Instagram with things on my blog.

    At times there are more things on my Instagram than my blog.

    ENJOY your weekend.

  5. I'm a sucker for the instagram platform, but I love taking photos :) My account is all over the place though :)

    1. I love the taking photos aspect, I just suck at sharing them, lol.

  6. One day I will get better at the social media aspect of things. I'm terrible at it. LOL I do say that cat pics are what the internet is made of, right?

  7. Great answer! Sometimes I'm not able to post every day on Instagram, but I try the best I can.

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. It's been weeks since I posted... I feel shame, lol.

  8. Fun meme. I have an Instagram account also, but mine is random. There's a mix of everything on there. I love taking pictures also so it's one of my fav social media platforms. Plus like you mention, following favorite authors is fun.
    Enjoy your week!

    1. I love taking photos too. Instagram really should be my thing but I just forget to use it, lol.

  9. I feel like a lot of bookstagram photos kind of look similar, so I really like the unique ones. I try and do something a bit different when I post bookstagram photo, but they aren't all that exciting. LOL It's fun for me though. I use instagram for pretty much everything though - and I follow all sorts of people!


  10. I don't have an Instagram account but I'm considering if I should. If ever I decide to set it up I think it will strictly about books and will only follow book folks.

    I just went and visted your IG feed and I am screaming with all that cute kitty pics!!! :)


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