Saturday 8 September 2018

I Heart Book Characters... Bikers!

About The Meme
I Heart Characters! is a weekly meme hosted by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer to showcase our book blogger love for characters! Each week she’ll supply a topic and you’ll supply the character. Post on whatever day suits you, about characters from whatever media you love (books, movies, K-dramas, television, manga, anime, webtoons, whatever!) and link up on Thursday so YOU and others can blog hop and share the character love. ♡

A Biker.

I read a lot of books that feature bikers. I quite enjoy MC romances, so it's not surprising, but there are also a fair amount of motorcylce riding cuties throughout non-MC books so I just had to respond to this topic!
However, I had a problem narrowing it down to a single biker... 
Therefore, I'm going to give you a list of some of my favourite bikers and the books you'll find them in.

In no particular order:


Be still my heart... Locke is a motorbike-riding, tattoo artist who, like most of Zapata's characters, rocked my world.


Shade's Lady is quite possibly one of my favourite MC books ever. 
It's novella length (but a longish novella) and I regularly re-read it.
Shade is your typical rough around the edges MC type but the way he is with Mandy freakin' got me. 
It's not your traditional romance but I loved it anyway. 

The Chao's Men

Yep. That's right, I love every single one of them. 
Tack, Hop, High, Joker, Snapper, Shy... ALL OF THEM.
They are alpha, annoying, sweet, sexy and good men.

If I had to choose one as my favourite I'd chose... Tack, Shy and Joker. 
Guess I can't choose simply one!



  1. I don't really read MC romances. I guess the closest I got was Katie McGarry's Thunder Road series, which was YA, but they grew up in an MC.

  2. I can read books with bikers but it's not my go to theme.

  3. I don't think I've ever read a book that features a biker a main character. I do enjoy TV shows and movies that feature bikers though.

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Chaos members. All of them. I couldn't decide on one either, although I suppose Tack and Shy would start the list.

    And Locke was one of the most aggravating, hottest characters I've ever read!

  5. GAHHHH! I missed this last week Nicci! I am so sorry, I've been sick and comments were on the back burner... Welcome to the meme!! I'm so glad you also had so many bikers that you love!! I think Sophie also mentioned Locke?! I think she did... He seems to be super popular... and I admit I was reading a few of the excerpts while I was looking for your post ;) There are a ton of hot guys that linger around this blog <3


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