Friday 7 December 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Do you tend to visit the same blogs each week but also try to look for new blogs?

Do you tend to visit the same blogs each week but also try to look for new blogs?

I'm a creature of habit so I do tend to visit the same blogs on a regular basis. However, that doesn't mean that I don't visit new blogs. I just don't actively hunt out new blogs. I tend to find new blogs by bookish osmosis. I see a comment on another blog that I'm commenting on and I go visit them to see what their blogs about. I take part in bookish tags & memes and try to visit the participants thus finding new blogs to visit regularly... When people comment on my posts, I return comments and this also leads me to new blogs.

My problem with keeping up with blogs I like is finding an easy way to remember them all!
Some, I visit so often I can type the first few letters into my browser and they pop up. Others I have to google their blog or find their link from a past link-up or go to a list of hyperlinks I keep, and this is time-consuming and annoying.
I'm time-poor. I like quick and efficient!
I need a way to manage things! I've tried bloglovin' and while pretty good, I still end up lost.

How do you find and manage blogs to visit?
Let me know in the comments!


  1. I add everyone to bloglovin and check the list of latest posts every day. I comment on what I can-y'know, where I have something semi productive to say!. I've stopped looking for new blogs to follow. I'd find a new pile, comment on them several times a week or more for a month or six weeks and get no response from the blogger. I figure then I'm wasting my time and unfollow! It's different if I follow a blogger who is offline for a bit sick or busy moving house, exams, family issues etc-I'll stick with them but not a new blogger who never bothers to visit back. I've had too much of that over the last few months so I'm not going looking now. If a new person comments on my blog, I may follow them though!

    1. I get where you're coming from Chuckles! It's really disappointing when you try to connect with new blog and you're ignored. :/

  2. I have all the different blogs I visit saved in a favorites folder on my bookmarks bar. That way I can just click on each of them and go to their blogs. I actually just wrote about this on Twitter a couple of days ago. I visited 20 new blogs over the past 3 months and only 3 of them ever returned the favor and came to mine, so those three are the only ones that I will continue to go to. I do seek out new blogs from time to time but some I don't keep going back to.

    1. That's so disappointing, isn't it? 20 blogs and only 3 returned the visit?
      I like the bookmarks idea though... I may try that. :)

  3. I keep all my favorite blogs on Feedly. It's great for organizing the posts and saving more for later too. I think I have over 200 on my list, but I am always looking for new blogs to visit. Especially as some bloggers "retire". I try to hop an hour a night, and can usually catch up with all the posts I want to read on the weekend.

    1. I've never heard of Feedly, I'll check it out!
      I'm really hoping to get into a regular rhythm - like one hour a night - to help me keep on top of things... Maybe a new year blogging resolution!

  4. There are a few blogs that I visit pretty regularly, but mostly I try to make time once a week to visit all of the blogs I follow! If there's any extra time, I try to find new blogs that I might enjoy reading. I wish I could make time every day, but most days I'm lucky just to get a post up! :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Sometimes I use Bloglovin', but I also revisit the blogs that have left comments on my own. I tend to remember most of them from memory!

    2. I wish I had that kind of memory! I rely on my browser history so much, lol.

  5. I visit my favorite blogs and try to find new ones.

    You never know what someone might be chatting about and find a treasure. :)

    Thanks for sharing, and I hope your weekend is good.

  6. It's so easy to lose track of all of the blogs. I so get that. Especially if they have similar names. I use Feedly (like Bloglovin) and then change the names to what they use to comment with. Helps me kinda sorta keep everyone straight. lol


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