Tuesday 11 December 2018

Christmas Movies That Aren't Christmas Movies

Today, I bring you a very important, topic: Christmas Movies.
But, I don't want to talk about all your typical Christmas movies.
No, I want to talk about the movies that make you feel like Christmas even though they aren't what you'd traditionally think of as Christmas movies.
Everybody has them!
They're the movies that, for whatever reason, your brain associates with the season even though the content of the movie has little, if anything, to do with Christmas!

So, here it is! My Top Ten list of non-Christmas, Christmas movies!


Edward Scissorhands

This movie just screams Christmastime to me!
I don't care that it's Tim Burton and slightly twisty and odd. It's festive.
That scene where Winona Ryder's character is dancing in the slowflakes from Edward's sculpture is just gorgeous!
It touches a little part of my soul and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and therefore Edward Scissorhands will always be a festive movie in this house.


I know that this movie isn't warmth, sweetness and light but it's definitely festive! 
Snow, holiday jingles, giant snowmen, Christmas trees... It's perfect!
The murderous little monsters just make it funny.

The Lord of The Rings

This trilogy of movies will forever be associated with Christmas for me. I think it's because they were all released at the cinema in December and my original - and strongest - memories of them are tied to going to see them at the cinema with friends and family surrounded by holiday shoppers and decorations. 

Don't get me wrong, I can watch them at any point of the year but watching them at Christmastime is an absolute must!

The Phantom of the Opera

Again, I think I associate this with Christmastime because of when I originally saw it at the cinema. It could also be because it has the gorgeous snowy scene in the graveyard which triggers that "I want to tuck up warm and cozy with a hot chocolate" feeling that Christmas also triggers.

Beauty and the Beast

I blame this being a Christmastime movie, for me, on the snowy scenes once again. And the triggering of the hot chocolatey feeling. 

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

It's Christmas for about 10 minutes in the movie but, for me, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone will always be a Christmas film. 
I saw it at the end of November. It's always on the TV at Christmas. It is Christmas.

While You Were Sleeping

There's much debate about this one in my house... Is While You Were Sleeping an actual Christmas movie? 
I'd say no. It's set 100% at Christmas - that is true - but it doesn't have that whole Christmas magic, Santa-ish, vibe that Christmas movies always have. 
It's just a lovely romantic comedy that happens to be set during the holidays, therefore, I say no and it goes on my Christmas movies that aren't Christmas movies list....
And the same goes for this one.

Bridget Jone's Diary

It begins at Christmas and it ends at Christmas but Bridget Jones is not a Christmas movie. It is a movie that can be watched all year long.
That said, every year, since I was a teenager, I have watched Bridget Jone's Diary at Christmas thanks to my mother.
This year will be no different.


So, what's your non-traditional Christmas movie(s)?


  1. I just watch all my favourite films over Christmas in between sport and other things. Christmas horror films like Jack Frost(1997) and Black Christmas would be more my style!

    1. Lol, festive horrors... I'll pass. 😂

  2. Gremlins! Love that one. Such a throwback to my teen years. I think I was about 16 when it came out and I totally wanted a Gizmo of my own. :) Phantom of the Opera... one of my favorites. When Lottie is standing on the rooftop with Raul in the snow *swoon* And Bridget Jones... love it! Nothing like the original one. She and Mark Darcy kissing in the snow. Okay, now I want to go home and rewatch all of these! :)

    1. Movie binge in-coming! 🙂

      I'm excited for some time to get my movie binge on... I love this time of year.

  3. Gotta love the Harry Potter movies!! I haven't seen Edward Scissorhands in years!!

    Here's a link to my Top Ten Tuesday post for this week: https://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2018/12/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-free-little.html

    1. It's been a while since I've watched it too. I need to remedy that.

  4. Love this!

    We watch Krampus every year. It is about Christmas but it's not exactly a happy kind of tale lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I haven't watched Krampus! I should check it out...

  5. Once the weather gets cold and school starts, I immediately think of Harry Potter! I remember reading them during the school year, and feeling like I was starting school with Harry every year. It was always snowing and nearly Christmas, so it makes me think of winter! LOTR is another one that I think of in the winter, but it's also what I binge whenever I'm sick.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. I used to re-read HP every year starting in September but I haven't done that in a few years. :(

  6. I can see some of those! I've come to associate Harry Potter with Christmas for a while now, and Beauty and the Beast is very Christmasy While I may not necessarily agree that they are all Christmas movies, I can see why some would think so.

    1. I'm in the mood for Beauty and the Beast right now...

  7. I LOVE YOUR PICKS. And the topic in general. But, I especially love knowing that you included Edward Scissorhands AND Gremlins immediately after. I thought I was the only one who watches those around this time of year. I said that about Gremlins once and got The Look. I was like WHAT? It's VERY Christmas, leave me alone.

    1. That is me everytime I bring up Gremlins and Edward Scissorhands too!

  8. I totally understood these, because though not Christmas movies, they take place around Christmas time (or just have snow). Interesting topic and great picks.

  9. Gremlins haha! I'm watching it right NOW for a post! It is fun. And Lord of the Rings does have an association with Christmas for me too, for the same reason- those December releases. :)

    I like Bridget Jones too.

    1. Gremlins is the business. I can't wait until my kid is old enough to join in on that Christmas tradition!

  10. Lol I love this list!! And they are all so so true! I love Bridget Jones. And Harry Potter always feels Christmasy to me too. I want to have Christmas at Hogwarts! And hmm... I would say that for me a non-Christmas Christmas movie would have to be Die Hard. Or is that an actual Christmas movie? And we always debate whether or not Nightmare Before Christmas is Halloween or Christmas.

    1. I didn't include Nightmare Before Christmas because I class it as actual Christmas movie (even though it covers both).
      Die Hard would be on the list except I haven't actually seen it so I can't weigh in on that debate yet... One day. :)

  11. This is a great list. I've come to associate almost all of them with Christmas as well, especially Harry Potter.

    1. I just wish I had more time to get through them all this year!

  12. The Mister likes the watch Gremlins around Christmas, too. I'm more of a Harry Potter fan. We typically watch the series from Halloween to Christmas. Like you said, they show about each of the holidays for a handful of minutes, but they still feel so festive. ha!

    1. I think HP has become a tradition in many households... I guess they're one of those movies that everyone in the family can watch.

  13. The Great Escape is mine because it Always seemed to be on TV at christmas time. I loved Edward Scissorhands and haven't watched it for years - time for a revisit maybe?

  14. Love this! So I have not seen most of these because I am a movie failure, but I absolutely agree with While You Were Sleeping! I love that one, and it always makes me feel... wintry! And I hadn't thought about Bridget Jones but that is a great one too! Fun post!

  15. I love Harry Potter! The Christmas scenes in those movies are awesome. I love the music, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  16. I like the idea of movies you watch around Christmas that aren't necessarily Christmas movies. I'm so with you on the first HP film.



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