Wednesday 5 December 2018

No, I'm not dead...

Just thought I'd quickly say, I'm not dead!

But I do kinda feel like I'm dying... I'm ill again and between the coldy/fluey symptoms and a kidney infection, I seriously just want to go to sleep and wake up when it's all over!

I don't have the energy to read, to review or to piece together any of the fun Christmassy posts I wanted to do this month.

With luck, the antibiotics for the kidneys will kick in soon and the cold/flu virus will bugger off in sufficient time for me to get back to normal soon.

I so miss normal!

Between moving house and illness, the past month and a bit has sucked with the lack of normal!

Anyways, rant over.
I'm going to try and catch up on some blog visits before I fall asleep again.
Sorry for being awol!



  1. Well, I am quite happy to hear you are not dead, though I am sorry to hear you are ill again. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Hope you feel better soon!!! Get lots of rest and take care. :)

  3. I'm very happy you are not dead, but being sick is awful and it sounds like you have a bit of a double whammy! I hope you feel better soon.


  4. Yikes.. I hope you'll feel better soon! ;)

  5. Oh man, I'm sorry you don't feel good! I've had a kidney infection and I really feel for you because it felt like someone was literally stabbing me through the lower back. I was throwing up because the pain was so bad! Maybe that's why you have flu-ish symptoms as well? Once those antibiotics kick in you should *hopefully* start feeling much better. Take care, Nicci!

  6. Oh no, you poor thing! I'm so sorry you're sick again, Nicci! And the kidney infection sounds serious. I hope the antibiotics help quickly so you can get some relief. What a miserable time of year to be so sick. :( Take good care of yourself, loads of rest... we'll all be here when you feel better. And in the meantime I'll be wishing you all the get well thoughts!

  7. I'm sorry you haven't been well-kidney issues are not fun, I know that from experience! Hopefully you'll feel better soon!

  8. Omg kidney infection too! Tht sounds horrible. On top of everything else. Not your month

  9. Ouch I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I hope you feel better soon!


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