Friday, 12 April 2019

Book Blogger Hop: Do you re-read previous books in a series before reading the new one?

When reading a series, do you re-read the previous book/s before reading the newly released book?

There isn't an easy answer to this! Whether I re-read is dependant on so many other factors.

If it's a series that I love and have read a lot then I don't need to re-read before reading the new book but reading the latest in the series will probably trigger an excited re-read because I love it!

If it's a series I enjoy but I've only read the books once then whether I re-read will be dependant on how well I remember the past books and the length of time between the new release and the previous one.

If there's been less than a year between releases, I'm unlikely to need to re-read.

If the past books in the series are 500+ pages long, I'm unlikely to have the time to re-read (no matter how awesome).

How many books are in the series? If it's a couple then a re-read isn't an issue. If it's 10 then it's unlikely (unless I love the series).

I guess it all boils down to time... Time to re-read and time between releases. 


  1. For me it depends on when I read the last book. If a book is released a year after the last one, I don't feel I need to read the previous book again. If I read a debut book many years back and then decide to read book two say five years later, I'll re-read the first to to refresh my memory.

    1. Agreed. Time between reading the books is a huge factor.

  2. This is a question for organised readers! I'm usually lucky to even read a series in the right order and it's very unlikely I'll still own the book I did read by the time I stumble across another. This is why I usually read standalones :-/

    1. ooh, I hate reading a series out of order, lol

  3. You hit the nail on the head! It does boil down to time. Perhaps the reason I never considered re-reading the previous book(s) in a series is simply due to time. Though, desire to do so plays a fairly significant role for me.

    1. Yep, you've got to like them enough to want to invest the time.

  4. I agree, there are a lot of factors in re-reading a book!

    Thanks for stopping by :D

  5. I almost never reread because I always feel like I have so many NEW books I want to read, so I don't have the time. But every once in a while I'll do a reread via audiobook because audiobooks feel like "bonus" books to me. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  6. I totally agree that it all depends on so many things like book size, time, length of the series, etc!! I find re-reading so comforting, so I do it as often as I can but I get why some may not like it. The urge to read new books can be pretty strong :D

  7. I agree with all the points you brought up, Nicci. It really does depend. Mainly on how long it's been in between books. And size, too. I'm less likely to reread a 600 page beast! :)


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