Tuesday, 28 May 2019

TTT: Favorites From The Past 10 Years

Favourite Books Released In the Last Ten Years / Books From My Favourite Genre

This should be an easy topic... I mean, it's favourite books! It's easy to list all your favourite books, isn't it?
Actually, no. No, it absolutely is not. At least, not for me... And favourite books of the past 10 years?! How am I supposed to remember that? I've read so many books in the past 10 years! Plus, my favourite genre changes like the seasons: Major mood reader here!
There have been many authors over the past 10 years whose work has struck a chord with me, who have become favourites, autobuys... And there have been books series that I read, couldn't get enough of, and cried when they ended.
So, I thought I'd tweak things a little and list my favourite discoveries, authors, series and books from the past 10 years.


Mariana Zapata

Mariana Zapata is the queen of slow burn romance!
Her characters are quirky, her stories full of heart and her heroes? Perfectly imperfect.
I adore her work and only wish there was less time between releases for I always want more!

Tammara Webber - Easy/Breakable

Beautiful writing, unforgettable characters, a heart-breaking and uplifting story... How could anybody read these books and not fall in love with all that is Lucas?!

Ilona Andrews

Anyone who follows this blog will be absolutely sick of hearing about my Ilona Andrews love (and probably my Zapata love come to think of it!) but I don't care.
I LOVE their books. Love love love them.

Amazing worlds, action-packed stories, and realistic relationships that give you all the feels.
What's not to love?

I Heart Series by Lindsey Kelk

Maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic having recently finished the final book in the series but I'm really going to miss Angela, Alex and the gang.
Their insane adventures, wonderful relationships and friendships have made me smile for years and I hope will continue to do so as time goes on.

Rick Riordan

I've said it before and I'm going to say it again: I love Rick Riordan's Olympians just as much, possibly more, than I love Harry Potter.

Yep! I said it and I'm not sorry.
He writes amazing characters and fantastical stories steeped in Greek myth and legend. I adore them, my kid adores them and I fail to see how anyone could dislike these wonderful books so full of heart, friendship and sacrifice.

Alex Craft Series by Kalanya Price

I finished reading this series only last week and I know with 100% certainty it'll be a series that I'll re-read in years to come. I absolutely loved this gritty and unique UF world where magic and Fae exist but the usual UF beasties (weres, vamps and the like) do not.

I'm tweaking as I write this desperate for news on book 7 (rumoured to be the final book! *sobs*) despite the fact that book 6 only released in April...

Caroline & West Duo by Robin York

Some of the events in these novels were hard to swallow but York created something truly beautiful in this pair... Never have I rooted for a fictional couple so hard!

Kristen Ashley

Crazy protective alphas and sassy kick-ass women. Stories with a whole load of passion and a hint of danger... What's not to like?

The Hollows Series by Kim Harrison

Characters I've never been able to let go of even though the series ended several years ago. I love Rachel, Ivy, Jenks, Trent and the rest of the gang so much as well as the wonderful UF world Harrison created. Finding out she's not only working on new material back in The Hollows but writing once more about Rachel and co? Year. Made.

Kylie Scott

Her books always make me smile and laugh and her Stage Dive boys hold a special place in my heart.


So, what are your favourites?


  1. Wow, I haven't read any of these yet. I do have several Ilona Andrews books on my TBR though and she's on my list of authors to try this year.

    1. I hope you find the time! They're awesome.

  2. The Blood of Olympus has a great cover! Is that the first book in that series?

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. I've been wanting to read Easy by Tamara Webber! And I need to read something by Mariana Zapata. Everyone talks about her!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Long, slow burn romances... I recommend her!

  4. Yeah, I had trouble with this week's topic as well. There were so many equally excellent choices!

    My TTT.

  5. There's soo many on here that I want and need to read!! Great list!!

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

  6. Yes Rick Riordan is one of my favourite authors too!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2019/05/28/top-ten-tuesday-213/

  7. I love how you switched it up. I had to as well because it was hard to decide on a single favorite. I love The Hollows but still need to read the last book - guess I didn't want it to end. However, I have heard she is now continuing it so I'm excited. Since starting Kate Daniels this year, I know the love of Ilona Andrews is not just hype. I just finished Magic Slays this weekend and I think so far, all 5 books have been really strong. I've yet to find one that takes a dive - I've rated them all 4/5 or 5/5.

  8. Great tweak on this subject!
    I know my favourite book of each year since I started blogging them! It's interesting to look back at those Best Of posts now though because sometimes the book that remained strongest in my memory is different to the one I originally chose

    1. You'd think that blogging would have helped but... Not so much, lol. My goodreads is patchy too. :/

  9. I love Ilona Andrews and you have a great list!

  10. I like your twist on today's topic! The only author I've read from your list is Rick Riordan and it was only one book, THE LIGHTNING THIEF. I'm not sure why I didn't continue with the Percy Jackson series, but my kids did and loved it.

    Happy TTT!

  11. I still need to read more Ilona Andrews. I read one that a friend sent to me but now I want to read more.

  12. This is a great take on this week's TTT! (why didn't I think about this as well?? :D )

    1. Probably because you're not as lazy as me! lol

  13. I see now why you hadn’t heard of any of the books on my list, but holy cow look at you read! Lol. That’s a lot of books!

    Thanks for dropping by earlier!

  14. I hear a lot of love for Ilona Andrews and their urban fantasies. I still need to read PErcy Jackson too.

  15. I definitely want to read Rick Riordan's books at some point. My kids have, but I haven't.

    1. It's because of my kid I started. I see what he's obsessed about! I love them.

  16. My daughter love Uncle Rick, and I have been slowly working my way through his books. I want to read his books, because they are such fan favorites, but also, because he comes across as such a decent human. I love him.

  17. YES! Ilona Andrews and Alex Craft!! Two of my secret vices. ❤️ Great list Nicci I love how you focused on authors.

    1. Yeay! I need the final Alex Craft book. I need it now!!!!

  18. I haven't completely finished the Olympians series, but I've been enjoying listening to the books on audio!

    1. I'm audiobooking them too! I've got a couple of hours left of The Blood of Olympus and I'm dying!

  19. Jenks is my favorite character from The Hollows. :)

  20. Rick Riordan is a familiar name on your list. My son is a huge fan - so much so that he insists on re-reading the Percy Jackson series over and over again rather than trying out new ones.

    1. I can understand why! They're addictive.

  21. I haven't read any of these - looks like some cool picks!!!


  22. I have way too many favourites to list here! I do plan to do this TTT topic when I have much more time to go through my Goodreads book shelves!

  23. I like that you chose to list authors and series rather then just singular books! The I Heart series and Rick Riordans books are both on my TBR, looking forward to reading some of them soon.

    1. Rick Riordan is so good. I hope you enjoy them!

  24. Love your twist on this week’s theme! I can’t believe I still haven’t read anything by Marianna Zapata. Need to fix that soon! Easy and Breakable are two of my all-time favorites. It’s been almost 6 years since I read Easy and it still gives me all the feels.

    1. I'm waiting impatiently for her new one...

  25. I love Rick Riordan's books! Great list! :D

  26. I still need to finish the PJO series, but I've enjoyed the first two. I see a lot of people say they prefer it to HP which is high praise in my opinion.

    1. It's so much fun! I hope you do try it.

  27. So much love for Rick Riordan <3
    And I still need to pick up a Ilona Andrews book. I know!


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