Saturday 1 June 2019

Review: Kitty Takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn

After getting caught turning wolf on national television, Kitty retreats to a mountain cabin to recover and write her memoirs. But this is Kitty, so trouble is never far behind, and instead of Walden Pond, she gets Evil Dead. When werewolf hunter Cormac shows up with an injured Ben O'Farrell, Kitty's lawyer, slung over his shoulder, and a wolf-like creature with glowing red eyes starts sniffing around the cabin, Kitty wonders if any of them will get out of these woods alive...


Full-Length Novel

First person, single POV.

No, I don't think so.

Yeah... You need to have read the first two or you'll miss out on all the character development and world building.

No, the mystery from this book is wrapped up but the series threads are obviously left hanging.

Interesting question... I thought Kitty would end up starting something with Cormac but obviously not! That said, there is a little bit of a triangle in this one which is pretty much resolved by the end.

Yeah... Werewolves and weirdos. Guns and silver bullets. Dead animals... It's not over the top or gratuitous but it's there.

Book 3 in the Kitty Norville series!
It's getting better. It's getting much better. I've been pretty on the fence with the first two books but book 3 is a turning point for me.
In this book, Kitty decides to take a holiday. The poor woman needs one after the events in Kitty Goes To Washington but because she's Kitty - and has been officially outed as a werewolf on live TV - things cannot be simple for her.

She's living in a secluded cabin, on hiatus from her radio show, and attempting to write a book but it's not going well. Before long, creepy blood symbols and dead animals are being left on/around her cabin and then werewolf hunter - and Kitty's friend - Cormac turns up with Kitty's lawyer who has been attacked by a werewolf and will turn.

This creates a cascade of events that inevitably shift what I perceived the events of the series to be (i.e end game Kitty and Cormac) and creates a new dynamic with Ben and Kitty as a little pack.
The book is a mishmash of Kitty trying to pull Ben through and help him adjust while juggling the unresolved what ifs with Cormac and dealing with the blood magic nutbags not to mention the dark and evil beastie that has followed Ben and Cormac right to Kitty's door.

It's a busy book but it's an emotional one. I know many people will be angry with what happened with Kitty, Ben and Cormac (namely Cormac's fate) but it made sense to me.
I like that Kitty continues to grow. She's snarky, funny and getting stronger and braver... With Ben's brains by her side as a pack of two, I'm excited to see what happens next.
Plus, they can't leave things with Cormac like that, surely?!

Pretty standard for the series but it doesn't really scream, 'read me!'


“I started a new page and wrote a title at the top: "Ten
Ways to Defeat Macho Dickheadism." Then I realized that most of the world's problems stemmed from macho dickheadism, and if I could defeat that I could save the world.” 




  1. I really like this series and need to get back to it. I am glad it is getting better for you!

    1. I'm just about ready to pick it up and read some more! It seems to get better book by book!

  2. I liked this one and need to get the next one. :)

    1. It's definitely a grower (gets better as it goes on) type series...

  3. I enjoyed the Kitty series a lot. Books 5, 6, 7 and 8 were my favourites! It threw me when she and Ben became an item and I'm now sitting feeling smug because I've finished the series and know everything! *waves*

    1. I'm excited for more! I have no idea where it's going or how it's likely to end though but I hope a certain character gets out of jail!


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