Monday 17 June 2019

Review: Three Mages and a Margarita Annette Marie (Guild Codex #1)

Broke, almost homeless, and recently fired. Those are my official reasons for answering a wanted ad for a skeevy-looking bartender gig.

It went downhill the moment they asked me to do a trial shift instead of an interview—to see if I'd mesh with their "special" clientele. I think that part went great. Their customers were complete dickheads, and I was an asshole right back. That's the definition of fitting in, right?

I expected to get thrown out on my ass. Instead, they… offered me the job?

It turns out this place isn't a bar. It's a guild. And the three cocky guys I drenched with a margarita during my trial? Yeah, they were mages. Either I'm exactly the kind of takes-no-shit bartender this guild needs, or there's a good reason no one else wants to work here.

So what's a broke girl to do? Take the job, of course—with a pay raise.

*Read via Kindle Unlimited*


~ 300 pages

First person, single pov.


The book is its own story with elements that will continue throughout the series.

Not really applicable.
Tori ends up in a good place but it's only the beginning of her adventure.


Romance is light on the ground in this one although I really hope her romantic interest takes a different direction from where it seems to be heading... Not that I don't like the guy, I just think another would be much better, lol.

There is magicial and physical scuffles but nothing OTT, gory or gratuitous. 

I loved this book! I loved it so much!
It had me hooked from the first chapter. I couldn't put the thing down.
It's the type of book that you pick it up, start reading and before you know it four hours have passed, you're almost finished and you have no idea where the time has gone because you feel like you've just picked the thing up! It's that easy to read and that enjoyable.

The book is well written, funny and fast-paced. There are no lulls in the story but unlike a lot of UF it doesn't feel too fast. Tori actually gets time to eat and sleep and go about life in between the action!

The book begins with Tori, our 21-year old leading lady, getting fired from her job in what was one of the funniest opening exchanges of a book I've read in a very long time.
This sets up the chain of events that lead her to stumbling upon a magic guild and ending up as their very human bartender.
It's here that Tori meets Aaron, Ezra and Kai - the three mages from the book title - and sets off on a path that will undoubtedly change her life.

Tori is fiercely loyal, hard-working, brave and super spunky.
She's had a rough life and is so achingly alone - despite living with her brother - that it's no surprise she grabs onto the friendship offered by the three mages so tightly.

Kai, Ezra and Aaron are like the three musketeers... Always together, strong, brave, loyal, funny, sweet and extremely gifted with their magic. They have an obvious rebellious streak and once they take Tori under their wing you know that they'd risk everything to keep her safe the way they'd do anything to keep each other safe.
I adored each of them.
Their personalities are very different but they compliment each other perfectly and Tori slots into their group like a piece they never knew they were missing.

The bond between Tori and the guys isn't romantic. There is a flirtation with one of them and a kiss or two but it's... I can't see it going anywhere. I strongly suspect she'll end up with one of the others if I'm honest. That said, her relationship with the guys isn't like that at this point. They're fun and gorgeous and absolutely lovely and she recognises that but she's not mooning after them.
It was refreshing even to a hardcore romance junkie like myself.

The world building was well done. You're introduced to a magical society that's hidden from the general public but known to police officers and the like. You get a taste for the different magical castes and some of the creatures that exist but aren't overwhelmed with information and everything you learn is pertinent to the story at hand and not thrown in as filler.

I can't get enough. I'm off to read the next one immediately and I know I'll re-read this one often.
Highly recommend it!

OMG, I love the cover!
The covers for this series where what drew me to the books in the first place.
They're so pretty and whimsical and fun and awesome as opposed to dark, serious and moody like a lot of UF.
They perfectly capture the feel of the books.


“It was worth a shot, and as the saying around here goes, you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.”




  1. Honestly, the book had me at its title. Your review is what made me certain I have to look into it!

  2. I've heard good things about this series- it sounds quite good! I like that it sounds kinda lighthearted and just fun too!

    1. It's definitely light hearted especially for UF!

  3. This sounds so good! Actually, the tone of it kind of reminds me of White Trash Zombie. I must definitely put this on my TBR pile.

    1. I hope you get to read it! It's so much fun.

  4. I've got this on my e-reader but I'm in two minds about it. I try to avoid UF with romance so your review gives me hope for this book at least!

    1. I'm caught up (to book 4) and there's still no flipping romance! It doesn't matter though as they're great reads and I still have hope! lol


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