Thursday 5 September 2019

August Reading Challenge Update!

Well, that's it! This week marks back to school time for the little dude and back to full work weeks for me! 
Okay, I was off Monday this week but apart from that, it's back to normal...

We've had a great summer, packed full of activities together but now that summer is over (yep, the schools go back and I'm done with it) I'm very much looking forward to autumn for it's my absolute favourite season!
In fact, these next few months - Sept through to December - mark my absolute favourite time of the year! Lots of books and lovely cosy reading time to come!

This month, I read a total of 4 books which was a bit disappointing but I was busy and just didn't have much time, plus I wasn't in the right headspace.
Thankfully, I'm not in a slump! The desire is there I just had other stuff to do which is ok.
It does mean I'm failing miserably on most of my challenges though...


This year, I signed up for  4 reading challenges (not including the Goodreads Challenge) and 1 blogging challenge.

Details of them can be found in my 2019 Reading Challenge sign up post.

This month I have made progress as follows...

The Goal was to 10-12 books this year featuring royalty.

I read 0 'Royal' themed books last month, so my total stays at 5.

(The number went up even though I didn't read any in August as I decided the 2 UF books from July featuring the Fae Prince as a love interest totally counted!)

My blog challenge... Each month a prompt is given and the goal is to write a blog post that fits it. 
I haven't posted anything for any of the prompts.

My aim for this one was to read 10-15 books featuring bad boys... 
In August, I read 0 keeping the total at 2.

I need to get down with the bad boys!

This reading challenge is aimed at reading books published before 2019 and getting them off your backlist/TBR/wishlist... This year, I'm hoping to read 60 books from the backlist.

For August, I read 1 book from the backlist.

My total for the year goes to 37.

I was originally aiming for 5 audiobooks this year. Because I was beastin' it, I raised the total to 'Weekend Warrior' which is 5-10 books.

In August, I finished 0 audiobooks so my total stays at 6.

Two months in a row without finishing an audiobook! 😱
However, my current listen only has a couple of hours left and now I'm back at work full time I don't imagine I'll have any issues completing this one plus another during September's commute. 


How are your challenges going this year?



  1. I'm failing the blog All About It prompt. Although I did take pictures for August - just never posted them lol

    I read way more than it felt like I did in August though.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I think I'm going to smash all my blog all about it prompts in a couple of posts, lol. It defeats the purpose but by god I'll get them done!

  2. Wow, that's so many challenges! But *cheers you on across the computer screen* you can do it!! And I agree, the "ber" months (that term's a thing here) is my favorite time of the year too. I'm a December girl but yes to the cozy weather!

  3. Fall to Winter is my favorite time, too. I love seeing the leaves change colors and have the air and all around feel change to the colder holiday season.

    1. It's the absolute best! I get so sad when January comes.

  4. I'm sure you'll catch up with your challenges now that your son is back in school! It's good to enjoy real-life with family time and travel! It sounds like you had a wonderful Summer. I'm really excited for Fall too! :)

    1. Fingers crossed!
      We did have a lovely summer so I can't be too sad about not reading much. We had fun.

  5. I will like this time of year a lot more when it cools down more.

    1. It must be rough dealing with the temperatures where you are. :(

  6. I was pleased to get my Royal Challenge finished as for most of the year I was behind on it! I'm now working on my Author Alphabet-five letters to go as of the start of the week and I've already got two done. I have another two planned but X will defeat me I think! There are still four months to go for your challenges so keep on keeping on and good luck!

    I love these cooler crisper autumn days! I love autumn and winter...

    1. I'd love to tick off a challenge is complete! I think I need a concentrated effort to do that just for the sake of morale!

      Well done on the Royal Reading Challenge!

  7. With all your trips, I think a book a week is pretty good. I read more on work days than days I am off. That's my schedule. I have to say, 37 backlist books is amazing. Good job!

    1. Thanks Sam!
      We did do a lot this summer... :)

  8. I'm totally failing at my own challenges! I have to worst trouble keeping up with reporting on them. I'd rather just share the books I've read. Even though you seem to have only added one book to your challenges that is better than nothing. ❤

    1. True... One is definitely better than none! I tried to use the challenges to motivate and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I think next year, I'll just sign up for adhoc readathons and such as they appear throughout the year and not really stress about year long challenges.


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