Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Numerous Titles, A Necromancer and some Zombies!

It's October peeps! How exciting! (And scary, where's the year gone?!)
Halloween is coming! Autumn is here! We'll soon be counting down to Christmas... This is a good time of year.

This week's topic... Book titles with numbers in them.

This was a hard one! However, I tried and sort of succeeded! 

Ten Reasons to Stay and Five Reasons to Go are a duology that absolutely gutted me when I read them last year and they immediately came to mind when I thought of this topic.

First Grave on the Right is book one in Darynda Jone's Charley Davidson series and the only one of the series I've read. They ALL have titles which play on the book number in the series, btw. 

Once Burned and Twice Tempted are books one and two in Jeaniene Frost's Night Prince series and though I read them long ago, I don't remember huge amounts about them except they're about Vlad from her Night Huntress series.

Can you believe that I've actually read Once by James Herbert? No, me neither... But I did! Back when it released. I was more adventurous with my genre choices when I was a teenager!

Twice Bitten - book two in the Chicagoland Vampires - was the book that sold the series to me. I was hooked by the time I finished it. 

I still haven't read anything by Christina Lauren but I will! I WILL... But I won't be starting with Twice in a Blue Moon. I only chose that one for the title. 😆

One Day will forever until the end of days be known as the book that was utterly engrossing but utterly depressing thus never to be read ever ever again. Ever. 

Ten Tiny Breaths was everywhere back when it released and continued to be everywhere for years to come. But I never read it. It sounded too depressing. I haven't to this day read anything by Tucker either but one day I might. 

Have you read any of these?

This week's can't wait selection is actually a series of novellas - not a single book!
This week, I can't wait to continue reading The Journals of Octavia Hollows, by Stacey Rourke.

I recently listened to book one on audiobook and thoroughly enjoyed the story about a quirky necromancer who can bring anyone/thing back from the dead with just a touch.
It was a lot of fun watching her get tangled up in otherworldly problems as she tries to solve the mystery of what happened to the love of her life so I'm all in to see what happens next... I'm going to binge them during Fraterfest!

Anyone else taking part in Fraterfest?

This week's question...
You've dropped your favorite book while being chased by a herd of zombies. Would you go back to retrieve it?

What kind of question is this?
Of course not!
Stopping to retrieve anything - except maybe your weapon - while being chased by a herd of zombies puts you very firmly into the too stupid to live category and you deserve to be terminated.
A book is not going to stop the ravening hoard from eating your brains!
 A book - no matter how precious and irreplaceable - is not more precious and irreplaceable than you.
So run!

Okay, I gotta ask... Would you stop to pick up the book?


  1. These are really good ones. Ten Tiny Breaths is one emotional book but so good. I need to pick some spooky read soon! Can't believe its October already.

  2. I love Jeanience Frost but I'm a bit behind in her books right now.

  3. What a lovely meme:)). And I agree with you regarding One Day - I was so sure he was going to prevail...

    And I'm like you - OF COURSE I wouldn't stop for a book! There's always more copies...

  4. Amazing list. I'd stop for the book only if I hadn't read it yet, if I have it's in my head

  5. Yes, this week's prompt was a hard one. You did a good job with it, though!

    My TTT.

  6. Nice TTT list! I haven't read a single one, but there are one or two I'm eyeing (pun not intended.) I didn't have time to do a TTT post this week (yet), but I can think of quite a few titles that would work, from Andre Norton's The Zero Stone to 1001 Arabian Nights. :-)

  7. Christina Lauren and KA Tucker are hot or miss for me. I haven't read either of these books though.

    No I would not go back and get my book if being chased by zombies. I would think I have bigger things to worry about lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  8. If the book was digital on my kindle and I had a way to recharge that kindle....then maybe. Because it's my whole kindle and 200 books. If it was just one book, then no. I'd keep running.

  9. One Day... ugh, that book! I remember getting to *that part* and just sitting there stunned. Like, how could you??!! Gah! I loved Ten Tiny Breaths. It was my first my Tucker and is still a favorite. And I just started Twice in a Blue Moon yesterday. :)

  10. I hear a lot of good things about Christina Lauren as well. One day... I think I want to read their Unhoneymooners first.

  11. Okay so it depends on the book. Most books, no. But if it is any of my books autographed and personalized by Dan Jones, then hell yes. At least I will die knowing I am holding something that Dan Jones has also held in his hands as he signed it for me.

  12. I haven't read any of those yet but am hoping to start Twice in a Blue Moon next week.

  13. "One" and "two" seem to be pretty popular numbers for titles, great list!

  14. hahaha! I love your GIF for the BBH! :)

    My BBH

  15. I would lead the zombie away until I could double back to get the book! In the apocalypse, replacement books are too hard to come by! Of course, my books would be safe back at the compound so I'd never need to take them out with me like that!

  16. I think I could feel up a top ten post about titles with numbers with all the Janet Evanovich Plum novels I've read. It's been awhile since I've thought about her books. I haven't read Neill's Chicagoland books, although I have a couple of the Heir to Chicagoland Vampire books on my TBR pile to try. I've long wanted to read her work.

    The Journals of Octavia Hollows sounds like a great series. I think I might like it.

    Unless the odds were in my favor, I would definitely keep running too!

    Have a great weekend, Nicci.

  17. Great list! I have really enjoyed a lot of Christina Lauren's books so I would recommend! I haven't read twice in a blue moon yet though! I have read a bunch of the night huntress series but there were so many, I kind of don't remember where I left off! I feel like I'd like the Chicagoland books but have yet to get to them!

  18. Hahahaha. I love that gif! I wouldn't go back for anything but a person. 😅


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