Saturday, 26 October 2019

Review: Slaying Demons for the Feeble by Annette Marie

I'm bound to a demon.

For my entire life, I avoided magic at all costs. Now, I'm responsible for a demon who wields magic more powerful than the toughest mage or sorcerer.

Demons are evil.

That's what my textbooks say. That's what I see. He's ruthless, he's temperamental, he's cold. But he protects me without fail. I wonder if he's hiding a heart behind his hostility.

My demon is a monster.

Whether he's heartless or not, my contract with him is illegal and beyond dangerous. Together, we must find a way to return him to his own world before anyone discovers our secret. If that wasn't bad enough, I've come to realize something else:

My demon isn't the only monster I should be worried about.

*ARC received from the author in exchange of an honest review*

I'm going to do this as a review of two parts, so to speak: Part one will be general unspoilerish opinion and the second part will contain minor spoilers as I rumble on a little.
If you want to avoid any level of spoiler scroll quickly after the spoiler warning below!

Slaying Monsters for the Feeble was another fantastic book by Annette Marie!
It was fast-paced, full of action and drove the plot of the series forward to a point where from book 3 onwards you won't be able to avoid Spellbound spoilers (for those that haven't read the sister series).
Robin and Zylas's relationship (for want of a better description) is still at the heart of the book but it has a different vibe than in the previous. They have a lot of misconceptions and frustrations to work through and watching them do so was both painful, frustrating and hilarious.
You get to see more of the magic world than we have before, diving into the world of vampires and let me just say that there are interesting connections to other characters in the Guild Codex world that I can't wait to see play out!
We also get to spend more time with Crow and Hammer Guild Members who are very much in the background in the Spellbound series which is awesome!
I inhaled the book in about 4.5 hours from cover to cover because I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to put it down. It held my attention from beginning to end and left me both giddy and annoyed when it ended because it'll next year until we get to see what happens next and while it doesn't end on a cliffhanger it doesn't exactly end with bunnies and rainbows so colour me desperate!

Slaying Monsters is a wonderfully addictive instalment in a wonderfully addictive series and, as is usual at this point with Annette Marie's books, I highly recommend it!

Minor Spoilers Ahead!

The book occurs within the same time period as The Alchemist and An Amaretto so for those - like me - that were hoping to see our favourite little bookworm team up with our favourite fiery bartender then you're going to have to wait just a little bit longer... That said, I think after events in this book (and in Amaretto) it is inevitable!
Slaying Monsters for The Feeble answered a few questions but it generated about a million more and left me desperate to see how Robin and Zyla's story will unfold and how it will play a pivotal role in determining Ezra's fate! (Because it will. It really really will.)

As I mentioned above, Robin and Zyla's are in an interesting place in this book.
They work together but there is no trust between them. They don't understand each other and it leads to a lot of frustrating misunderstandings where they think the worst of each other, lash out and hurt each other (not physically, I should add).
It made perfect sense that two people from very different worlds would struggle to find a middle ground but it made me kinda sad seeing it for the bond between the two is undeniable and I had such high hopes for them after book one... That said, this book showed how formidable they could be if they just trusted each other and by the end, they seemed to have reached a new level of understanding so I have super high hopes for them going forward! I hope they don't go backwards... I strongly suspect the things they can do when they work together is what makes the 12th house so special and will play a huge part in saving the day where Ezra is concerned!

Anyway... Read it! Read the series! Read both series! They deserve so much love!


  1. I adore both series so I'm so glad that they are sort of interconnecting still! And yay for getting an ARC of this, lucky girl!! This series and the Codex have been my favorite find this year. I've had so much fun with them.

  2. Oh I do love these covers. This definitely sounds like my type of series. I might just wait it out a bit for the next installment and then binge read a little!
    I did skip past the spoilers :)
    Great review!!

    Chanzie @ Free To Be Me

  3. I liked seeing how different Zylas and Robin are and how they have to work together and figure out how to do that and understand each other better. It was a great read. I am really curious what will happen next and how the two series will blend together.


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