Saturday 2 November 2019

October Reading Challenge Update

October was a busy month.
In addition to working towards my year-long challenges, I also took part in Fraterfest (even though it was a bit of a disaster), October Blog Ahead (which resulted in 10 scheduled posts, not 31) and the Get Your Shit Together challenge (I definitely failed to get my shit together).

I feel like for most of the month I struggled to stay on top of things and ran from one fire to another but I still managed to read/listen to 8 books so I guess it wasn't a complete bust!

My favourite book of the month was Slaying Monster For The Feeble and my least favourite was Damage by Natasha Knight.


This year, I signed up for  4 reading challenges (not including the Goodreads Challenge) and 1 blogging challenge.

Details of them can be found in my 2019 Reading Challenge sign up post.

This month I have made progress as follows...

The Goal was to 10-12 books this year featuring royalty.

I read 1 'Royal' themed book last month, so my total goes to 9!

I'm almost finished with this one! I have the final book in the Paranormal PI Files to read and that'll wrap the challenge up nicely... And I may even exceed it! I have other Royal books I want to read before the year is out.

My blog challenge... Each month a prompt is given and the goal is to write a blog post that fits it. 
No change.
I haven't posted anything for any of the prompts.

My aim for this one was to read 10-15 books featuring bad boys... 
In October, I read 2 bringing the total to 4!

I still need to read more bad boys but I made progress so I'm happy!
Just wish the books had been better...

This reading challenge is aimed at reading books published before 2019 and getting them off your backlist/TBR/wishlist... This year, I'm hoping to read 60 books from the backlist.

For October, I read 1 book from the backlist.

My total for the year goes to 39.

I may or may not hit 60 by the end of December but regardless I'll be happy for I've read a lot of backlist books this year and I'll be reading more before the year is out! My Read A Series In A Month selection for November is all backlist and if I succeed that'll be an additional 7! So yeah... Happy.

I was originally aiming for 5 audiobooks this year. Because I was beastin' it, I raised the total to 'Weekend Warrior' which is 5-10 books.

In October, I finished 1 audiobook so my total goes to 9.

I upped my original target from 5 to 10 and honestly? I think I'm going to exceed 10 before the year is out! 


How are your challenges going this year?



  1. If I blogged 10 posts ahead, I would feel accomplished. I am never planned that far out.

    1. I've been feeling seriously overwhelmed so getting some posts scheduled in advance has been soothing.

  2. I think you did great(I wish I was able to read/listen to eight books every month). The royal reading challenge seems so fun. Hope you can surpass your goal. :)

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. I'm hoping to hit 10 and then move onto the Bad Boy challenge. That's the one I'm going to 'fail' at this year. :(

  3. I never join any challenges because I know I'll never keep up with them.

    1. I've been seriously considering not joining anything except the Goodreads challenge (which I use to track what I've read) but we'll see.

  4. I had fun with the Royal Challenge this year and you're kicking ass on it too! I enjoy challenges but I don't stress if I don't complete it as every book I do read is something off the TBR list!

  5. So close to completing your royal challenge! Coincidentally, I just picked up Emma Chase's Royally Yours yesterday. The cover was updated (I prefer the previous cover but oh well) and to promote it the Kindle price dropped to just 99 cents. Hard to pass that up!

    1. I nabbed that one too! Now I just need book 2 and 3 and I have the set to binge read. :)

  6. Well done on your progress!
    Progress is progress whether it be big or small :) Last month I was ahead of schedule with my posts and reviews, this month I seem to be just making them!!

    Chanzie @ Free To Be Me

    1. I've had a horrible November for keeping on top of things. It happens sometimes. I'm catching up now! :)


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