Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Bookmarks, Book Lunches & Heirs of Chicagoland!

I love participating in weekly bookish memes, answering questions and making lists, but sometimes the answers are not enough to make a decent post... On their own!
So, on those weeks, I'll be combining rather than skipping!

This week's topic is... Favourite Bookmarks.

Funny thing about bookmarks? 
You need to read physical books for them to be relevant and I rarely read print books anymore.
I'm a 10% audio, 85% ebook kind of gal. 
Yes, that remaining 5% would be print books but you can see my problem when it comes to answering this question? I don't really need bookmarks.

Anyway, when I do read a physical book, I will use anything as a bookmark:
Bits of paper
 Ice-lolly sticks
Post its
Hair grips
The dust jacket on a hardback
The corner of the book. (Yes, I dog ear pages and I'm not sorry.)
Sometimes, I use an actual bookmark.

I actually surprise myself by owning a bookmark... It's a metal bookmark that looks like a sleeping cat and it clips onto the corner of your page to hold place but I can never find that thing when I actually need it. It's pretty though and brings joy.

So, what about you? Do you still need bookmarks? And what do you use if you do?

I'm back reading The Chicagoland Vampire's series as my "read a series in a month" challenge and it's making me all excited for the Heirs of Chicagoland books!

Wicked Hour (book 2 in the series) releases in December so I'll have two of them to read once I catch up with the predecessor series!

If you've read this series, tell me what you think!

Do you think that overall work morale would be improved by having a "book lunch", sponsored by the company, at least once a month, or perhaps once a week? (Participation would be voluntary.) 

In a word, no.
Not everyone is a book lover or reader so why should a company sponsor this? Surely there are better things - that would benefit more people - for a company to sponsor?

I also fail to see how lunch were a bunch of people sit around not interacting can bolster morale. And worse! What if you're reading and people DO talk to you?!
So, no. Just... No.



  1. Argh! A Dog-Earer!!! Oh that just makes me shudder with horror!

    Most of my reads are still paperbacks so I do use bookmarks but never the nice new ones in my collection in case I damage them! I use the free ones they give away in libraries and shops!

    Books and Lunch don't go well together! In a lunch break I'll be out shopping or sitting somewhere quiet to read so I would not greatly enjoy a lunch event!

    1. I am a dog-earer! An unrepentant dog-earer! lol

  2. I have bookmarks, but I always tend to use scraps of paper from around the house. It's just so much easier to grab the closest thing, rip a piece off and use that, than it is to track down a bookmark. LoL

    1. Exactly! Who has them just sitting there?!

  3. My daughter is in a women's network book club at her job, and the company even caters lunches and dinners for them to talk about books. I would like that. Your list of bookmarks is funny. I don't read a lot of physical books, but I have several magnetic bookmarks, which I think are the best.

    1. I agree that the magnetic ones are the best. They cling to the page and dont fall out which is a complete win.

  4. Lol I have bookmarks but also can never find them when I need them. so almost anything goes when it comes to improvising: Receipt, business cards etc. I try not dog ear but am not super pedantic about it :)
    Your cant wait wednesday books look awesome.
    Lol totes agree about the NO part of Book lunch thing. I prefer to read on my own thanks.

    Chanzie @ Free To Be Me

    1. Yep! They're not designed to be to hand when needed. They're just pretty things to be admired, not useful, lol.

  5. I do have tons of bookmarks - I collect them. However, I tend to use the same ones all the time or whatever else I can find. LOL I don't dog-ear often, but I have, and it doesn't really bother me if people do.


    1. There are so many pretty bookmarks that I'm not surprised you collect them... That seems to be their primary function in my mind! lol

  6. Combining memes is such a good idea.

    My TTT.

    1. Saves head space and blog space. Sometimes, I just dont have enough to say on the topics but I want to take part so it works. :)

  7. I have a few bookmarks but I only use one of them. I will use anything I can find as a bookmark if my daughter steals mine though.

  8. Your dog-earring has made many people quake. I would never do it but hey, your book so do what you want :) I read a lot of ebooks too but that hasn't stopped my bookmark collection from growing. I used to read a lot of Chloe Neill but then fell behind in the series and now need to REALLY catch up. I know I enjoy her books so I know I'd like this one as well.

    1. Exactly! It's not like I share my books... lol

  9. I have a huge bookmark collection. Some are signed. I think I have about 2000 of them at this point.

    1. That's an acceptable reason for having bookmarks. Collector's items.

  10. A book lunch? Is that an actual thing somewhere or was that just a fantasy land question? LOL I have no idea how that would translate to employee morale. I know more non-readers than readers so most people wouldn't care about it. And I would totally get all stabby if people tried to talk to me during the book lunch.

    1. I hate it when people talk to me when I'm reading. Book lunches would be a recipe for disaster!

  11. I have tons of books marks and still use plenty of things besides them to mark my pages, haha. Receipts are probably my go-to when I don't have a book mark handy. But my little lady has begun making me book marks now, so those are always around and I think will quickly surpass my receipt use.

    1. Ah, the home made kiddy bookmarks are awesome. I don't use them for bookmarking but I keep them as little treasures, lol.

  12. I honestly dog-eared for a long time, but I'm trying to only use actual bookmarks now. I used to use torn up pieces of paper as well, but I stopped when they kept falling out lol!

    1. I try to stick to ebooks as they're easier for me.

  13. I usually use those post-it tabs but I've been trying to be better and use the cute little magnet ones.

    I only have one official bookmark that says f*ck off I'm reading that someone made for me and I LOVE it. I usually display it more than use it though.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I do love post-its! In every part of my life!

  14. I am exactly like you! 10% audio, 85% ebooks, and 5% physical. I use post-it notes and tissues as bookmarks. 😁

    Yeah, a book lunch wouldn't go over very well most places. I could see a book club meeting during lunch a couple of times a month, maybe, but people usually don't eat lunch all at the same time either. That was a pretty weird question. 😛

    1. It's the perfect balance of book formats, imo. ;)

  15. Lol! I don't read many physical books anymore either and like you I just kind of grab whatever to save my place. I don't dog ear, but every reader is different. I hate it when people try to talk to me while I'm reading! :(

    1. I'm honestly a bookish monster. I wrote a post about it once... Bookworms the world over should be grateful I stick mostly to ebooks, lol.


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