Tuesday 5 November 2019

Autumn Vibes, Druid Vices and Reading Quirks

I love participating in weekly bookish memes, answering questions and making lists, but sometimes the answers are not enough to make a decent post... On their own!
So, on those weeks, I'll be combining rather than skipping!

This week's topic is books that give off Autumn vibes... 

I gravitate towards urban fantasy more than usual at this time of year but I wouldn't say they particularly give me autumn vibes.
However, there are a few others that spring to mind as giving me autumn feels and they are: 

Gothic Novels

Wuthering Heights, Dracula and Jane Eyre in particular.  
With their dramatic landscapes, passionate love affairs, darkness, and death, it feels wrong to read them in the spring and summer but autumn? Oh yes... Autumn works.

Harry Potter

September rides on the Hogwarts express, marvellous Halloween feasts and all the magic and general witchery... How could Harry Potter be associated with any season other than autumn?


But that's all I've got! 
What about you? What gives you autumn vibes?

It doesn't release until January but I'm already crazy psycho excited to get my hands on it!

Book 6 in my beloved Guild Codex: Spellbound series!
Isn't it pretty?! And it sounds freakin' fantastic! The Druid is back!!!!

I've said it before, but sometimes I'm a bad person. I cheated on my twelfth-grade math final, I've run countless yellow lights, and I gossip about how hot my kickass best friends are. (Good thing my job as a guild bartender doesn't require moral perfection.)

But there's bad, and then there's bad. And I'm not sure which applies to a certain dark druid/wanted criminal/reluctant friend of mine. His transgressions include black-magic dealings, kidnapping, and murder, and he's about to add "revenge-fueled killing spree" to his resume—if I don't stop him.

Should I stop him?

He and his nemesis are gearing up to tear each other apart, rogues and vultures are converging with their sights on the spoils, and the guilds that would normally stomp them into the ground are under attack. We're on the brink of an all-out criminal turf war, and my time to decide is almost up.

Who's the real bad guy ... and do I dare stand in his way?

Whatcha think? What are you excited for this week?

This week on the book blogger hop, Elizabeth asks, "Can you stop reading before the end of a chapter?"

My answer is simple: Yes. Yes, I can. 
Do I like having to stop before the end of a chapter? No.
However, I'm pretty good at remembering what was going on in a book so stopping and starting reading at strange places doesn't bother me too much. 

What about you? Can you stop?


  1. I can stop before the end of a chapter. I do it all the time.

    1. Me too! Don't see what the fuss is about, lol.

  2. The warm drinks and pies give me the autumn vibes.

    I can stop before the end of a chapter. I do like to end with a completed thought though. Like not int he middle of a conversation or scene. But I could if I had to.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. Oh yeah! Hot chocolates and warm desserts for the win!

  3. Yes, gothic novels definitely have an autumn vibe to them.

    My TTT.

    1. It's the barren trees and windy moors ;)

  4. I used to love gothic novels but I haven't read one in awhile. They do make me think of autumn.

    1. It's been years since I've read one too!

  5. It really bugs me when I cannot finish the chapter. It happens to me often, since I read so much on my commute, but I try so hard to finish the chapter before I must stop.

    1. Yeah, commutes rarely tally with chapter times.

  6. Druid Vices and a Vodka- I feel like I love that series already and I haven't even started it yet lol. They look so awesome...

    1. My evil plan is taking root! The world will be converted...

  7. Wuthering Heights definitely gives me autumn vibes. Catherine and Heathcliff wandering the moors... yep. I can absolutely stop reading before the end of a chapter. It's not something I ever even think about. I'll stop mid-sentence if I feel like it. LOL

    1. Exactly! I stop where I stop and am not bothered.

  8. Besides the holidays, I don't tend to think of books seasonally, but I agree with your picks. Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, for sure! And then Harry Potter, with the return to school makes perfect sense.

    I don't love stopping mid-chapter but I do it all the time. I listen to audiobooks and have to stop when the task I'm doing while listening ends usually. And I also read a physical/eBook before bed and when my eyes start closing doesn't always correspond to the end of a chapter!

    1. I usually fall asleep reading so it would be terrible if I freaked out at not finishing before a chapter ended! As you say, when the eyes close, they close, position in chapter be damned!

  9. I like a good holiday book this time of year. Kinda gets me in the spirit.
    I don't like to stop in the middle of a chapter but it happens sometimes. I like your CWW pick. It sounds good!

    My CWW

  10. Harry Potter always make me think of fall and back to school. And gah, I'm going to totally kick myself if I don't read an Annette Marie book before the end of 2019. She has been on my list of new authors to try for over a year now.

    1. I wasn't a huge fan of her Steel and Stone books but the others I've loved!

  11. I love your choices for books that give you autumn vibes. Urban fantasy makes me think of fall too. Especially anything to do with witches! Druid Vices and a Vodka is a great title, and I really love the sound of the series.

    I'm like you. I prefer to end at a chapter break, but it doesn't always work out that way. I can usually pick up where I left off too, although sometimes I might reread a couple of sentences before my stopping point just for good measure.

    I hope you have a great week!

  12. Jane Eyre definitely has a fall/winter atmospheric vibe to it. Dracula always reminds me of Fall because of Halloween and all kinds of vampire movies abound.

    I can definitely put a book down in the middle of a chapter. Especially if I'm reading at night and can't keep my eyes open!

    1. It's the windy, creepy, brooding factor, I think. :)

  13. Yes to Harry Potter for Autumn as there is always something happening at the Halloween Feast! I have an image of Peeves in my head from the Deathday party...'nibbles?'..! Yes I can stop reading before the end of a chapter but I do prefer to finish a chapter before I stop reading for the night.

    1. Yes! It's totally the Halloween feast and how it slides into Christmas... Peeves I adore! Cutting him out of the films is another strike against them for me!

  14. It is so weird living in the opposite hemisphere to most of my blogger friends... you guys are so excited about Autumn and I am counting down the days until summer is in full swing again here in South Africa!
    I do love Harry Potter so will agree on that one and that cover for Druid Vices and a vodka <3 gorgeous!

    I don't like stopping before the end of a chapter preferable but I can if I am really tired or get interrupted. I like the closure that comes with a chapter, except if it one of those books with really really long chapters.

    Chanzie @ Free To Be Me

    1. I always find the idea of Christmas etc during hot seasons weird. Christmas BBQ instead of fluffy socks and hot chocolate... lol

  15. I admire your ability to stop reading, Nicci,I think I might need professional help! Lol! ;-)
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Here's my BBH Post
    Flora x

    1. Lol, all readers could probably do with professional help! ;)

  16. My reading mood changes over time, but not really with the seasons. I've been feeling like fantasy and science fiction a lot lately and a bit of cozy mysteries. I've read some Halloween themed books or books set during autumn that give me those autumn vibes. Harry Potter is also a good pick for this time of the year.

    I also can't wait for Druid Vices and am Vodka. I really love the series so far!

    1. I've never really tried cozies but I probably should!

      I'm crazy excited for more Zak!

  17. YES. So many great titles on here. I am right there with you on Gothic novels and, of course, Harry Potter, for autumn. They just fit so wonderfully with the season. It's all that atmospheric goodness, you know?

  18. Thanks for stopping by! Well... my answer wasn't really fully answered o_O I mean, I don't like stopping but if real life calls, of course I will stop where I am :D Have a nice weekend!

    1. Exactly so! If it's a choice, then I'll stop at a good point - i.e end of a chapter - but if I have to stop, I'm not really bothered.


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